Wednesday 15 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 8

 John 13:1-17 


It was the beginning of our Passover meal, 

And Jesus’ actions puzzled me: 

He picked up a towel and basin 

And started to wash our feet! 

I asked Him why He would wash my feet; 

He just came to me and knelt down low. 

As usual, I blurted out my first thoughts, 

I refused Him—I said, “No!” 

I just couldn’t let Him wash my feet, 

This was a scenario that should not be; 

He changed my mind with what He said next, 

“If I don’t wash you, you won’t belong to me.” 

So again I said what came to mind

“Wash my head, wash my hands.” 

Only my feet, then I’d be clean, 

I couldn’t really understand. 

It was a profound moment

We were all unnerved 

Jesus taught us with His example 

That we were also called to serve. 

The servant is not greater than the master

An object lesson for us from Him. 

We were to humbly help others. 

“You know these things, now do them.” 

It was a lesson I never forgot

His sacrificial love and humility. 

He preached and taught with words each day, 

But He also lived His love for all to see.

I have heard the story of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet so often that I fear sometimes I just gloss over the message here. Yes, Jesus was a humble servant. It’s good to revisit familiar stories. I’m not surprised when I read this one, it seems so typical of Jesus. But what about the disciples? Imagine their surprise when Jesus started doing a task that they felt was too demeaning for even themselves to do. Imagine their surprise when they looked back on this scene later and remembered that Jesus had washed Judas’s feet! Sometimes I enjoy serving, doing something nice for others that makes me feel better about myself. Or maybe it brings attention to what a nice person I am. Am I willing to serve in a way that demands a real sacrifice? Am I willing to help anyone in need, not just those I consider deserving? Is it fine if no one but God knows? Does my servant’s heart look like Jesus’s heart?

Lord, make me like You. You came to serve. Make me a willing and humble servant, too. May others see you in me. And Lord, wash and make me clean.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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