Monday 6 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 1

 John 11.43-53


Jesus had always gotten on our nerves

With His unconventional ways and disrespect

He contradicted our teaching, even insulted us

We, the upper echelon of our sect!


But this thing with Lazarus, raising the dead

Jesus, this time You’ve gone too far!

You’re confusing and misleading our people

Just who do You think You are?


What if the nation followed Him?

We couldn’t just leave Him alone.

Our Temple and nation might be destroyed

By retribution from Rome


And so as high priest, head of the council,

I felt entitled to make the call

Israel must be saved from Rome

Let this one man die for all



And so these words were prophetic

Though Caiaphas didn’t understand

Not just Israel, but all God’s people

Were saved by the sacrifice of this one man

Yes, the plot was set in motion

Before Passover even began

The Pharisees thought they were in control

But everything was in God’s hand




Lazarus lay dead in a tomb. Jesus stood before that tomb and called out, “Lazarus, come forth!” And out Lazarus walked! One would think that such a miracle would convince all who saw it to believe that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. Many did believe. Strangely, some chose to report the event to the Pharisees. When they heard, instead of saying, “Perhaps He is who He says He is, how could anyone other than God restore life to the dead,” they were alarmed and wanted to get rid of Jesus. Perish the thought that Jesus might upstage them or that Rome might investigate this troublemaker. At first glance, their obstinacy seems unthinkable! But if I’m honest with myself, am I sometimes like them? Do I seek to align my will with God’s will or do I remain a slave to my own agenda? Am I open to God when He shows me something new?



Lord, sometimes I think I know how things should work out. Then I try to make things happen according to my plan. Help me not to be so wrapped up in my own agenda that I fail to see the truth. Forgive me when I seek my will without even thinking about Yours.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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