Friday 24 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 16

 John 19.1-3

The Roman flogging is barbaric

They use whips with leaded tips

Up to thirty-nine lashes on His body 

His blood flows freely while His skin rips

Then there’s the degrading taunting 

In mock esteem soldiers bow down 

They laugh as they hail the king

In purple robe and sharp thorned crown 

Why would Jesus bear this abuse 

Endure such pain from an evil foe

It was to purchase my salvation 

How could He love me so?

“But this is your hour when darkness reigns.” Luke 22.53

Darkness in contrast with the Light of the World. The worst in man in contrast with the best, God Himself. The apparent triumph of evil in contrast with pure holiness and victory delayed. The irony is interesting, the Roman soldiers now before Jesus and hail Him as King of the Jews in mockery, never realising that they are actually speaking the truth, that Jesus is King of the Jews and King of all. There are those who think Pilate sentenced Jesus to be flogged, hoping to save Him from crucifixion and thinking that if His enemies saw Him beaten and humiliated this would satisfy them. But obviously his sentence made things worse, for Jesus was both flogged and crucified. You can’t compromise with evil. If you try, you still end up with evil. What a dark day, a day that is about to get darker.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for wanting, even feeling entitled to, a pleasant life of ease. You never had that. I don’t like being uncomfortable, stir me with a burning desire and willingness to follow You wherever the path leads.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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