Thursday 30 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 18

 John 19.38-42

Jesus of Nazareth walked among us 

He came to seek and to save 

He talked about a life everlasting 

Jesus, Messiah, now lies in the grave 

I once heard the account of a man who was hearing the story of Jesus for the first time. His heart was open and he was falling in love with Jesus. When the story-teller got to the part about Jesus’s death and burial, the man broke down and wept. You see, he didn’t know the end of the story. I was struck by this man’s grief for Jesus’s death, does my heart grieve as it should? I’ve known about the resurrection as long as I’ve known about the crucifixion. Have I become numb to the great sacrifice Jesus made? Do I skip His death and go straight to His victory? I’m not saying that we should morbidly dwell on the suffering heaped on Jesus on the cross. But we do need to remember His love for us and that He paid a high cost for our freedom and redemption, this demands our love and loyalty in return.

Lord, by all appearances You were dead and gone. Mary had lost her firstborn Son. The dreams of Your followers seemed to have come to an end. But Sunday was coming and what they didn’t know was that their dreams were just beginning. Lord, when things in my life look bleak, when circumstances are overwhelming, remind me that Sunday has come and that the Hope that arose on that Sunday morning is eternal! Thank You, Lord, that because of You, I am free to live in the light of Your hope!

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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