Friday 10 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 5

 Luke 20

(A disciple)

The crowds gathered daily round Jesus 

He taught boldly for all to hear 

It didn’t matter who was listening 

He spoke with no hesitation or fear

The scribes and Pharisees came

They listened carefully to Him

They hoped to find charges to level 

And Jesus minced no words with them.

I wondered if Jesus should be more careful 

A little more hesitant to speak 

It seemed He had a lot to teach us 

And He wanted to get it taught this week 

He often told challenging parables 

Stories that made the Pharisees look bad 

They’d listen with interest, 

Then realize the point, and you can believe they were mad!

They asked theological questions

There were political ones, too

They hoped to get Jesus in trouble

With the Romans or His fellow Jews

But  Jesus always outsmarted them

He was always one step ahead 

He answered with truth and wisdom 

And they looked bad instead.

I’m sure this made them more angry 

They were simply no match for Him

In these theological face-offs

They were never going to win

Jesus knew they were out to get Him

But He didn’t seem afraid

He wanted the truth to be heard

And grasped regardless of the price to be paid

Matthew 26.1-5

(The Priests)

We’ve got to get rid of Jesus

This troublemaker must go!

But we don’t want a riot on our hands

So His followers must not know

After the Passover is finished

And the crowds have dispersed and gone

We’ll find a chance to have Him killed

Our problems will be over and done!

I’m afraid that if I knew people were devising a plot to harm me, I’d try not to anger them. Perhaps I’d just avoid them, at least in volatile situations. Not Jesus, He was 100% honest and didn’t worry about popular opinion or danger to Himself. He loved the people too much to leave them ignorant of God’s kingdom. I want to have the courage to speak up and stand for what is right regardless of consequences. It’s God’s opinions that matter, not popular opinion. 

Lord, help me to be authentic and honest, not concerned about what people think of me but about pleasing You. Give me boldness to share Your Truth. And, Lord, guard me from trying to force You into a mould to fit my theology. Forgive me for choosing my will over Yours. Remind me that You, not I, are God.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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