Tuesday 14 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 7

 Mark 14.11


Our problem’s solved! O happy day!

One of His own has agreed to betray 

He’ll hand Him over, we’re delighted to pay

Betrayal by a friend, there’s no better way 

I love to judge the Scribes and Pharisees. I love to hate their sinful ways! Apparently, with few exceptions, they were self-serving hypocrites, they held themselves up as perfect and imposed their standards on others. They ignored Jesus’s teaching and tried to get Him in trouble. They disregarded His miracles. They had one objective where Jesus was concerned and that was to get rid of Him. Oh yes, it’s easy to judge them. But I must ask myself, Am I so different? Do I wear a false face at times? Do I expect others to live by my rules? Do I judge others by comparing my performance with theirs? Do I skip over parts of Jesus’s teaching that make me uncomfortable or that call me to do something I don’t want to do? Do I overlook things Jesus does in my life daily and take them for granted? I pray that God will reveal and heal the Pharisee in me.

Lord, we don’t why Judas betrayed you, whether he was simply evil and greedy or whether he had political motives. Forgive me, Lord, for the times I betray You, the times I try to make Your will line up with mine instead of the other way around, the times I ignore Your will altogether. And please help me to watch out for the people I’m in cahoots with, may I not be swayed to follow the crowd if the crowd is not following You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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