Monday 12 October 2020

My Helper

My help comes from the LORD,

who made heaven and earth, 1

Who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” 2

Who calls into existence the things that do not exist, 3

Who works wonders, 4

Who raises the dead, 5

Who sees in secret, 6

Who knows the heart, 7

Who reveals mysteries, 8

Who gives power and strength, 9

Who saves, 10

Who keeps covenant and steadfast love, 11

Who acts for those who wait for him. 12

The Lord is my helper;

I will not fear 13


1 Ps 121.2 2 2Cor 4.6 3 Rom 4.17 4 Ps 77.14 5 2Cor 1.9 6 Matt 6.4 7 Ac 15.8 8 Dan 2.28 9 Ps 68.35 10 Ps 7.10 11 Neh 1.5 12 Isa 64.4 13 Heb 13.6

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