Thursday 15 October 2020

You are the Church

You are God’s people, 1 the sheep of his pasture. 2

You are members of the household of God, 3 heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ. 4

You are God’s field, God’s building, 5 his workmanship, 6 Zion, the perfection of beauty. 7

You are God’s temple, 8 a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. 9

You are the light of the world, 10 herald of UN good news, 11 a pillar and buttress of the truth. 12

You are the salt of the earth, 13 servants of God. 14

You are the body of Christ, 15 his Bride. 16

You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, 17 the church of the living God. 18


1 1Pet 2.10 2 Ps 100.3 3 Eph 2.19 4 Rom 8.17 5 1Cor 3.9 6 Eph 2.10 7 Ps 50.2 8 1Cor 3.16 9 Eph 2.22 10 Matt 5.14 11 Isa 40.9 12 1Tim 3.15 13 Matt 5.13 14 1Pet 2.16 15 1Cor 12.27 16 Rev 19.7 17 1Pet 2.9 18 1Tim 3.15 

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