Wednesday 30 June 2021


 Before Ananias met Saul, he heard shocking news about this man. Ananias had friends who lived more than 100 miles away in Jerusalem. Once in a while a messenger from there would bring a letter to him in Damascus. “Stephen was stoned to death,” one said. “A Pharisee named Saul is dragging Christians from their homes and throwing them into prison!”

When Ananias heard that Saul was on his way to Damascus, he became fearful, not only for himself but for all his Christian friends who lived in the city. He prayed, went out to warn his friends, and went to bed exhausted. 


Ananias awakened and sat up. He knew right away that it was Jesus who was talking to him in a vision. “Yes, Lord!”

“Go to a street called Straight and find the house of Judas. Ask for Saul from Tarsus.” (The man named Judas, of course, was not the disciple Judas, who had betrayed Jesus.)

“But, Lord!” Ananias said, a feeling of horror coming over him. “I have heard terrible things about Saul. He has caused great harm to many of your followers in Jerusalem. And he has been sent here with the authority of the Jewish leaders to arrest anyone who believes in you!”

“Go Ananias. Saul is my chosen servant. He will teach people about me. Besides the Jewish people of Israel, he will teach people who aren’t Jewish (Gentiles) and their kings. And I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake.”

If Saul became a Christian, it would be a great miracle indeed! Ananias went quickly to Judas’s house and found Saul there. The man who had caused many believers to be hurt or killed was now blind, sitting in darkness and praying.

 “I did not see, Lord. I did not understand. Forgive me . . .”

Ananias felt no more fear of Saul. Instead, he felt sorry for him. He really cared about Saul and wanted to help him. Ananias spoke gently as he laid his hands on this man who had been sent to destroy Christians. “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who talked to you on the road to Damascus, has sent me to you. I have come so that you may receive your sight again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Ananias heard Saul take a quick breath and saw something like the scales of a fish fall from Saul’s eyes. In their place, his eyes filled with tears of thankfulness. “Jesus is the Lord!” Saul said. “He is the Son of God!”

Ananias smiled. “Yes, he is. Jesus is Lord of all!”

After Saul was baptised, Ananias asked Judas to bring food. Then Ananias, Judas, and Saul sat and ate together. 

Jesus had performed another great miracle. He had turned an enemy into a friend. 




Ananias knew that Saul had spent his life hunting people who believed in Jesus. Sometimes he had them put in prison. Other times he had them killed. How do you think Ananias felt when God asked him to go to Saul? Why do you think he went anyway? What helped Ananias understand that Saul was no longer an enemy?

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