Wednesday 9 June 2021

How can I be better friends with God?

The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray. 

Mark 1.35


You can know about a famous person, but the only way you truly know that person is by spending time one on one with him or her. Your parents and pastor and Sunday School teacher can tell you all about God, yet what really makes you know him as a close friend is spending time with him for yourself. 

That’s what Jesus did. He took time away from his followers to talk with his Heavenly Father. He went to talk to God early in the morning.(Mark 1.35) And he went often.(Luke 5.16) When you spend time praying to God and reading his Word, the Bible, you feel close to him all day long. 



Here’s an idea if you aren’t already in the practice of spending time with God. In a cup, have on several slips of paper, the references to a verse or two verses, (or you could write them in full). You could use the verses I’ve used in these thoughts if your stuck for ones. Then with a family member pull a slip out, read the verse(s), ask what that had to do with your day, its highs and lows, and pray about them and what you’ve discussed. 

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