Wednesday 9 June 2021

Telling stories day 3

 Many churches today are filled with people who have placed their trust in Jesus to take care of what happens to them after they die. Few Christians have really placed their trust in Jesus to teach them what to do before that. Many of us have decided to follow Jesus into eternity, but we haven’t decided to follow Him here and now. This explains why there is so little evidence of Christlikeness and transformation among us on a consistent basis.

Jesus once told a couple of stories about this very dynamic. He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it” (Mt 13.44-46). In other words, God’s kingdom is so valuable that any sacrifice necessary is worth it. In fact, any necessary sacrifice — getting rid of anything that stands between you and the life offered by Jesus — is done with joy. It’s a no-brainer. Get rid of something in order to gain that which is infinitely more valuable? Gladly!

So many people in our world today have made a radical commitment to excellence. Steve Jobs was so determined to make Apple, Inc. the industry leader when it comes to innovative and practical uses for technology that he draws a salary of $1 per year. Do you think he ever breaks that down into hourly increments and wonders whether or not he made the right decision when he signed that contract?

Of course not!

Everyone from sports franchises to paper manufacturing plants to candy bar companies sacrifice and stay awake at night and put in extra hours to ensure the quality of their product. They do this because they really believe that what they will get in return is of much greater value than what they give up.

Here’s a simple question for you.  Have you made the same level of commitment to following Jesus as Steve Jobs had to Apple, Inc.?

The earliest followers of Jesus did not leave everything behind to tag along with Him because they were afraid they might end up in hell if they didn’t. They followed Him because they were fools not to. If what He was saying was true, they would never forgive themselves for rejecting it and missing the opportunity of a lifetime to learn firsthand how to live in God’s kingdom.

Living life in God’s kingdom — living out the gospel according to Jesus — isn’t easy. It will probably require a complete restructuring of life as we currently know and experience it. It may involve difficulty and pain and sacrifice and long hours. It will most certainly require a clean break from some of the loyalties and affections that keep us divided in our hearts and minds.

But anything worth doing is worth doing well. And if it’s really all it’s cracked up to be, life in God’s kingdom will prove to be well worth it.

The question is, How badly do you want it?




Lord, why is it so much easier to pursue excellence in our work or in sports or in knowledge than it is to pursue greatness as You define it? Why do believers typically trust in You for their eternal destiny but trust in the world for everything else? Why do we treasure the temporal over the eternal and aspire to success in this life more than rewards in the next? I know that it takes risk and trust to desire the unseen and the not-yet more than the visible and the now. But You have exhorted us to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and not to be anxious about material things because You know our needs and will sustain us when we value You over them. May I pursue the pearl of great price and the treasure hidden in the field and give everything I have in exchange for that which Your Word proclaims will endure forever.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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