Thursday 17 June 2021

Why do we need rules?

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. I’ve promised it once and I’ll promise again I will obey your wonderful laws. 

Psalm 119.105-106


Roller-coaster lovers are smart enough to climb inside the roller-coaster cars, not step in front of them. Baseball fans know that bats are for pounding balls, not people. Football players aim for the other team’s goal, not their own. Get it? Even when we do the things we love to do, there are all sorts of rules to help us make the most of our fun. 

God’s commands work the same way. God never makes rules to give us trouble. Jesus, in fact, told us his real goal, “My purpose,” he said, “is to give life in all its fullness.”(John 10.10) God loves you so much that he gives you his clear commands to show you the very best way to enjoy life. 



Think about some rules you have a tough time following. Write down these rules, and with others (parents, friends or brother/sisters), brainstorm three good reasons why that rule exists. How can obeying those rules help you find the “life in all its fullness” that God plans for you?

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