Saturday 19 June 2021

Why does sin keep me from being friends with God?

Your eyes are too pure to look on evil, you cannot tolerate wrong 

Habakkuk 1.13


God wants to be friends with each of us, but he is so special that he won’t come near anything that’s bad. So our sins make us God’s enemy. The wrong things we do break God’s laws, and they hurt the people God cares about. Since God only does what is right and loving and perfect, he can’t be friends with people who don’t want to be like him. And God, who does no wrong, can’t allow sinful people to come near him. But God does want us to be friends with him. So he planned a way that he could fix the problem we have with sin. That’s why he sent Jesus to Earth to die for our sins. 



Imagine you were playing outside and your shoes were covered with mud. What might your parents say if you wanted to walk into the house wearing your muddy shoes? 

It might be like this “I can’t let you come into the house with dirty shoes. But I don’t want you to have to stay outside forever. I want you in the house with me. So you have to take off those dirty shoes!”

That is how it is with God. ‘Our sins keep us away from God, but he forgives us. That gets rid of our sins, just like taking off dirty shoes gets rid of the mud. When our sins are gone, we can be near God. We can talk to him whenever we want to because he is right with us.’

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