Friday 11 June 2021

How can God have time for me when there are so many other people in the world?

O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 

Psalm 139.1


People can think hard about just one thing at a time. God isn’t like that. He knows everything all at once. He has a perfect understanding of everything that’s going on with you, and everyone else, all at the same time. 

Even though there are billions of people living on Earth right now, you are God’s one of a kind child. He saw you inside of your mum before you were born. (Ps 139.13-15) He knows your every thought. (Ps 139.2) He sees where you are every moment of every day. (Ps 139.3) He knows all about your future and has good plans for you. (Ps 139.16) Here’s the best part, God not only knows about you, he cares about every detail of your life. Aren’t you glad?



Read Psalm 139.1-18, as you read, make a list of everything God knows about you. Then draw pictures of some of the things you listed. That will be a great reminder of God’s incredible care for each of us. 

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