Friday 18 June 2021

What if I don’t feel bad when I do something wrong?

The Law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy making wise the simple.

By them is your servant warned, in keeping them there is great reward. 

Psalm 19.7 & 11


Some cars come with alarm systems. They are supposed to keep people from trying to steal the car or smash it up. But it’s possible to unhook an alarm so it doesn’t go off. That’s what it’s like if you pretend you don’t feel bad when you’ve done something wrong. God created you to have an alarm, to feel bad for doing wrong. He did that to warn you away from sin.

But sometimes you start to feel good when you do bad. You might punch your sister, for example, and smile about it. Or you might take a friend’s biscuit and feel good that you got it for free. Feelings should warn you away from sin, but feelings can also fool you. So God gave you his commands in the Bible. When you learn what the Bible says, you can always be sure about right and wrong. 




How has God’s word helped you learn right from wrong? How has it been a better guide than your feelings have been?



You could also read 2 Corinthians 7.10 or 1 Peter 3.16

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