Sunday 6 June 2021

Does God love me more when I obey him?

God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. 

Romans 5.8


God wants you to obey him, so he is not pleased when you don’t. But when you do wrong, God still loves you. In fact, he loves you just as much as if you never sinned. God sent Jesus to die for you even before you told God you were sorry for your sin. 

Now, that doesn’t mean God thinks sin is okay. God feels sad when you sin. He knows that sin hurts you and the people around you. God wants you to be safe and happy, and he knows that happens only when you obey his commands. So he will help you obey when you ask him. But he will never stop loving you no matter what you do. 



Think of a time you felt wronged by a friend or family member. How do you wish they had treated you? Why would that be better than how they treated you? 

That’s how God feels when we sin. He forgives us, but he still feels sad. He is upset when we hurt each other. He knows obeying him is the best thing we can do. 

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