Monday 7 June 2021

Does God like [insert name] more than me?

Remember that the Heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favourites when he judges. 

1Peter 1.17


Think you know someone who’s perfect? Here’s a secret, they’re not! You might think that God is more pleased with a sister, brother or best friend than he is with you. Perhaps that person always seems to do and say the right things. 

But God doesn’t have favourites. Here’s why, compared with each other, some of us might look better than others. But compared to God, no one looks good! Paul says that all of us have sinned and “fall short of God’s glorious standard.”(Rom 3.23) And Isaiah tells us that “all of us have strayed away like sheep.”(Isa 53.6) We wander this way and that instead of following God and doing what he wants. The Lord knows that we all need his care and forgiveness. The truth is, we all mess up, but God still loves us all just the same. 



Get your family and see who is the tallest and shortest. Now our differences in height seem like a big deal. Now let’s see what is tallest if I added the beacon into the mix. None of you seem very tall now at all. In the same way seeing who pleases God the most is meaningless when compared to Jesus. Next to him, none of us measures up, but he loves every one of us anyway. 

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