Monday 12 July 2021




God’s story and His message for us in writing


“You lead the way!” your dad says as you walk into the zoo. 

“Okay!” you reply, although you’ve never been there before. What will you need to help you? A map? Maybe some signs with arrows? It’d be a lot harder to find your way without those to guide you!

The Bible is like a map or arrow – it’s our guide for life. It is God’s Word, or His message, to us. The Bible tells us the truth about who God is, why we should love and obey Him, and how we can do that. 

God’s Word has sixty-six book, or parts, full of stories, rules, poems, and letters. Can you guess how many people wrote it? It was more than one or two. It was about forty people! And it was written over a really long time – about fifteen hundred years. God spoke to those people about what to write, so that’s why it’s called God’s Word. 

The Bible tells us about special messengers who said God would send someone to save people from their sins and how Jesus came and did just that. We learn what Jesus taught and how He lived. We hear how His followers learned to love God and other people, how they worshiped God, and that someday God’s family will live with Him in heaven. 

All of this comes together to make one big story about God. 



Luke 4.17-21


One day Jesus was in the temple, a place where people worshiped God. He stood up and read God’s Word out loud. He picked a part that had been written by Isaiah, one of God’s messengers. It was about how God would someday send a saviour – it was talking about Jesus! He read the words, “God sent me to tell the prisoners of sin that they are free.” Then Jesus said, “While you heard these words just now, they were coming true!” (.18,21)



God gives us important messages through the Bible, but we need to spend time with the Bible to understand them. The same is true when you decode a message. Crack this code by replacing each letter with the letter that comes before it in the alphabet. (For example, B becomes A)


Hpe tqfblt up vt uispvhi uif Cjcmf. 



God, thank You for giving me important messages through the Bible. Help me know Your story even better. Amen

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