Wednesday 14 July 2021




God’s home and kingdom


When God made the world, it was perfect. But when sin came into the world, it brought pain, sadness, and death. Our sin separated us from God. So God said, “I will make a way for them to come back home to Me.” He promised to prepare a place for us, a perfect place called heaven. 

In heaven, God is the King. Everyone in His kingdom becomes part of His royal family. It’s like God has a giant castle where people become His princes and princesses. When we put our faith in Jesus, we become part of God’s kingdom. Heaven becomes our new home – it’s where we really belong. We know we’ll be there someday, after our time on earth, and we get so excited just thinking about it!

God loves to give amazing gifts to His children, and He’s preparing a lot of wonderful surprises for us in heaven. There are a few things, though, that He said we can count on. 

First of all, we’ll never get hurt or feel bad. Remember the last time you tripped and scraped your knee? That won’t happen in heaven. Do you and your brother or sister usually fight about what show to watch? That won’t happen either! In heaven, we’ll never be sad about missing someone or feel scared in the dark. Everyone in God’s family, from all throughout history, will be there together. And we’ll all be happier than we’ve ever been. Can you guess why? Because we’ll be close with God and thrilled to be living in His awesome kingdom.

Heaven will be a perfect, beautiful place where we’ll live forever with our good Father and King. Whatever we can imagine, heaven will be even better!



Revelation 1, 5, 21-22


Jesus gave one of His followers, John, a vision of heaven. It gives us an idea of how awesome heaven will be. In the vision, thousands of angels sing praises to Jesus, who’s on a throne. A crystal-clear river called the ‘water of life’ flows from His throne. There’s a golden city, glittering like jewels, and there’s no sun because God Himself shines so brightly. There’s no more night or darkness. People see God’s face, and He wipes away their tears. God sits on the throne and says, “Look! I am making everything new!” (Rev 21.5)



Draw a picture of what you think heaven could be like. 



God, I can’t wait to go to my true home and live with You forever!

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