Wednesday 7 July 2021

The last night day3

 The timeline’s a little fuzzy, but as best we can figure it, Jesus spent about three-and-a-half years with His followers. For much of that time, He was a target for religious leaders who feared His influence among the people.

And then it all started to come to a head, with various religious groups coming together to figure out how to rid themselves of this man who was such a thorn in their sides.

Jesus wasn’t alone during those years, however. He had some people who gathered around Him and formed a little community. They weren’t a real promising group. Women. Fishermen. Tax collectors. The distressed, the indebted and the discontented. Not the best and brightest.

They followed Him everywhere, and they marvelled at His teaching. They were especially fond of the food. And the miracles.

But then Jesus started talking about dying and how hard it would be to follow Him. He even told one guy to sell everything he had and give the money to the poor. And the religious leaders started stalking Him more closely.

That’s when people started leaving.

“Are you guys going to leave, too?” He asked His friends.

“Where else are we gonna go?” Peter replied.

Not a ringing endorsement.

And Jesus knew that before it was all over, Peter would fold like a card table not once, not twice, but three times. His friends would turn tail and run away, leaving Him to face the cross alone. His kinsmen were about to hand Him over to the Romans to be executed; they would kill Him themselves if they were allowed. He was about to bear the weight of all the world’s sin. He was distressed and distraught, and there was no one to whom He could turn.

So Jesus turned to His Father in heaven. He was the only One.

It’s great to find strength in others, to gather together in little groups of people and find strength in friendship. It’s fantastic that we can read a book or watch a DVD that encourages us. But when there’s nowhere else to turn, the best place to turn is to God Himself. It’s a skill we all need to cultivate. Time with God is essential in the life of a Christian, and prayer is a privilege we all need to value.

Jesus prayed to His Father in heaven while all His friends slept, and an amazing thing happened: “An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him” (Lk 22.43).




Lord, You have graciously given me meaningful relationships with other travellers during this earthly pilgrimage. You mediate Your grace and comfort through them when I become despondent, and this can be a great source of blessing. But I must first turn to You and find in You my greatest aid and encouragement in times of profound need. Your presence, grace and power lift me up when I stumble and keep me on the path of righteousness when I am tempted to set off in my own direction. May the Lord Jesus Christ and God my Father, who has loved me and given me eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen my heart in every good work and word. I know that when I look to You, Lord, You uphold me with Your righteous right hand.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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