Thursday 8 July 2021


 “How wonderful for you to be able to travel with Jesus! You are so blessed to be one of his disciples. Here! I hope this money will help buy what you need.” A woman handed Judas a small silver denarius. Judas Iscariot smiled and took it. Inside of himself, he sneered. The woman wore fine clothes. She could have given more! A man came next and gave a gold shekel. Much better! Judas lifted the money box just enough to see how heavy it was and then snuck a few coins into his pouch. Jesus and the disciples would never miss them.

Jesus came toward him, a trail of poor people following behind. “Give them what we have, Judas.”

Judas grew angry. “But, Lord, we hardly have enough money to buy food for ourselves and pay for a place to stay.”

“Have faith,  my friend. These people need the money more than we do.”

He wasn’t happy to do it, but Judas opened the money box and handed a coin to each to each person who came forward. Soon there was nothing left. Judas was glad he had already stolen some of the money for himself. He was not going to give his money away to anyone, not even Jesus. 

For three years, Judas had travelled with him, and still Jesus didn’t proclaim himself to be King of Israel. Judas grew tired of waiting! He was tired of hearing the sick, the poor, and the sad people beg for help. He expected Jesus to give his followers power to overthrow the Roman government leaders. But all Jesus did was feed people, heal people, comfort them and talk, talk, talk! Judas wanted more from life than the few coins in his pouch. 

When they reached Jerusalem, it was time for the Passover holiday, when Jews remembered how Moses had led their people out of Egypt long ago. Judas scurried away to the priests. He knew they hated Jesus for being more popular than they were. If he told them where to find Jesus, they would have Jesus arrested, and He would have to show his great power. He would have to make himself the King or die. 

“Jesus will be in the Garden of Gethsemane. I’ll take you there tonight. 

“How will we know which one is Jesus?”

“I’ll kiss him on the cheek,” Judas said. 

The priests paid Judas 30 pieces of silver. Judas was furious! Jesus was worth a hundred times more than that! Still, he took the money and left. 

When Judas went to the Passover meal with the other disciples that evening, Jesus gave him the place of honour. Jesus spoke tenderly to him. He even broke of bread and gave it to him. Judas was proud. “What you are going to do,” Jesus said, “do quickly.” Surely Jesus meant he would make use of the opportunity Judas was giving him to become King! All the disciples had been hoping and praying for this day. Grinning, Judas left the upper room. 

But Jesus did not do what Judas expected. Instead, Jesus allowed himself to be arrested in the garden after Judas kissed him and the soldiers came. Jesus allowed himself to be beaten  made fun of, and put on a cross to die between two thieves. The worst part of all was that everyone knew Judas had betrayed Jesus. Judas had double-crossed his friend and teacher, helping to murder a man who had done nothing wrong. Judas was filled with shame and wished he had never done it. 

He tried to give the money back to the priests, but they said it was blood money and would not take it. Angry, Judas threw the 30 pieces of silver into the temple. Weeping, he ran away and hanged himself. 

The disciples always had enough food and a place to stay. Why would Judas steal money that had been given for God’s work?

How might life have been different for Judas if he had truly loved and obeyed Jesus?

Judas never saw Jesus’s resurrection or knew that he could have gone to Jesus and asked for forgiveness. How might things have been different for Judas if he had done that?

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