Monday 5 July 2021

Queen of Sheba

The young Queen of Sheba wanted more than anything else to know the difference between good and evil so that she could rule her people wisely. But whenever she asked her helpers for advice, she knew they said only what they thought she wanted to hear. She could not learn anything that way! So she listened to all that went on around her, hoping she would learn from her people. But that did not work either. The people wanted their queen to help them be wise. 

One day the queen heard some men talking about a king who ruled the distant land of Israel with great wisdom. They were traders who had come to trade perfumes, oils, copper, and iron for gold and spices. She called for them. “Tell me more about this king of Israel.”

They were afraid that the queen was upset. So they bowed their face to the ground. “We did not mean to say anything that would make you seem less important than King Solomon, your majesty.”

“Do not be afraid. I just want to know about this king.”

“He rules Israel,” one said. 

“He is the greatest man in the world,” said the other. 

“What makes him so great?” She wanted to know. 

“He knows everything! And he is richer than any other king or queen.”

The Queen of Sheba cared nothing about wealth. She had more than enough money. But she did long to have true wisdom so she would always know the best thing to do. “I would like to meet this king and see for myself if what you say is true!” She ordered her officials to gather a group of men with animals that would carry the best gifts her country had to offer. Then she set off for Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel. 

The journey was long and difficult, through land that was rocky, hot, and dry. 

When the Queen of Sheba arrived, she received a royal welcome at King Solomon’s palace. She had never seen such a huge, beautiful place. Even the king’s officials drank from golden cups. 

King Solomon was everything she had been told he was. When he spoke, everyone listened. He taught about the Lord God of heaven and earth. He talked about the Law this great God had given the Israelites. Solomon knew all about birds and animals. Most of all, he understood people. He often spoke in proverbs, and these short sayings were easy to remember. 

When the Queen of Sheba asked King Solomon many difficult questions about God and how to rule people, King Solomon answered all of them. “To have wisdom, you must first be filled with wonder when you think about God,” he told her. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don’t count on your own ability to understand things. Let him direct you, and he will show you what’s right to do.”

“Truly God has made you the wisest man on earth! Your God is great indeed!”

The Queen of Sheba gave King Solomon gold, spices, and jewels, but she knew she had received something greater from him, knowledge of the living God. He was a God she could choose to worship from that day on. 




The Queen of Sheba wanted wisdom and knowledge from King Solomon. She was not jealous that Solomon was greater than she. What was the most important thing she learned from Solomon? The Queen of Sheba learned all about the God of Israel. Do you think she chose to trust and obey him? If she did, how would that have helped her become wise?


There are many books you can read to become wise and full of knowledge. The best book to read to get wisdom from God is the Bible. Do you read the Bible regularly? What have you learned from it? Do you know wise people who can help you learn about God and what the Bible says about Him? Who? What have they taught you about trusting and obeying God?

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