Friday 23 July 2021




The act of bringing together two people whose friendship is broken


“I’m sorry,” your friend says. After hurting each other’s feelings, you two had stopped playing together. “I’m sorry too,” you say as you give each other a high five. Now you’re ready to play tag and ride your bikes together again. 

Reconciliation means coming back together after fighting. When you and your friend were fighting, you couldn’t talk and laugh together like normal. Your friendship had a problem. You after you apologised, you ‘fixed’ your broken relationship. You were reconciled, which means you were friends again.  

God created people to be close to Him. He wants us to feel His happiness and love, like He’s giving us hugs and making us laugh. But God hates sin, so when we sinned, we became God’s enemies. Sin broke our relationship with Him. 

Sin also messed up the whole world. It brought in all the sad and painful parts of life, like fighting with friends or getting sick with a fever. 

This all made God very sad, so He made a way to fix everything sin messed up. And He did it through Jesus. 

Colossians 1 says, “God decided to bring all things back to himself again. . . At one time you were separated from God. You were God’s enemies. . . because the evil deeds you did were against God. But now Christ has made you God’s friends again.” (.20-22)

Even though we’re the ones who had messed up and hurt Him, God made a way to fix our friendship. That’s how amazing He is!



Genesis 25,27,33


Jacob and Esau were twin brothers who didn’t get along. As the firstborn son, Esau was supposed to get their family’s land and special blessings, but Jacob stole them. Esau was so angry that he wanted to hurt Jacob, so Jacob ran away. Years later, Jacob returned and bowed down before Esau as a way to say, “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” Esau hugged and kissed Jacob as a way to say, “I forgive you!” These two brothers fixed their relationship. They were reconciled!



Get three Lego blocks and connect two of them by playing the other block on top of them. Imagine those two blocks on the bottom are like you and God. Now imagine that you sin so you are now separated from God. Remove the block on top so that the two bottom pieces (you and God) are separated. Put that top block back on them, and this time think of it like Jesus bringing you back to God. 


God, thank You for sending Jesus so that we can be friends again!

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