Saturday 17 July 2021




God’s power and right to rule everything 


Who’s in charge of a classroom? A teacher. Who’s in charge of a school? A headteacher. Who’s in charge of a town? A mayor. And who’s in charge of a country? A prime minister or a president. 

Each of those people is in charge of a certain area. God is in charge too – but in charge of what?

Everything! He’s the one who created all things, so He’s the one in charge of it all.  First  Chronicles 29.11 says, “Everything in heaven and on earth belongs to you. . . . You are the ruler over everything”

God is a king who sits on a throne in heaven, where everyone bows to worship Him. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords – more powerful than anyone else in charge. In fact, they’re in charge only because He has said, “I’ll let you be in charge.”

Nothing can happen unless God allows it, and nothing can get in the way of His plans. 

God rules over plants, animals, weather , and people. He puts us in situations where we can be challenged and grow. And even though He doesn’t want bad things to happen, when they do, God makes sure something good comes out of it.

Picture it like this, a man is making a clay pot. He holds the clay in his hands and shapes it into whatever type of pot he wants. Jeremiah 18.1-6 says that’s how God is with us. We are in His hands!



Jonah 4


If Jonah ever questioned if God was in control, he didn’t have to wonder after his journey! God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people how to follow Him. But Jonah didn’t want to, so he hopped on a boat going away from Nineveh. Then God brought a big storm, and Jonah was tossed into the sea. God caused a fish to swallow Jonah and then, after a while, spit him back out. God definitely got Jonah’s attention by showing His power! In the end Jonah obeyed, doing his part in God’s plan to help the people of Nineveh. 



Grab some Play-Doh, and make whatever shapes you want with it. You’re in charge of what each shape becomes. As you hold it in your hands, try to imagine God doing the same thing with you and everything around you. 


God, I praise You for being the King in charge of everything. Thank You for watching over me. I know I’m in Your hands. 

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