Monday 19 July 2021




What is right and fair for everyone 


Imagine that one day at lunchtime a bigger classmate takes a smaller classmate's food. The smaller classmate looks like she might cry while the bigger classmate laughs.

Do you think that would be okay? Not at all!

Do you think God would say that would be okay? No way. He'd say that's not only mean but unfair. God can always tell us what is fair because He is just. And just as a compass points north, justice always points to what's right.

Psalm 146 says, "The Lord does what is fair for those who have been wronged. He gives food to the hungry.. . (and) lifts up people who are in trouble... . But he overthrows the wicked" (.7-9). God is like the best superhero ever! He sets things right. He helps weak people and stops the bad guys.

God wants us to be just like Him. It we see something unfair happening, we should step in and help make things fair. We can become superheroes too.

God is also the judge of the world. Whenever anyone does something wrong, God's justice requires that there be a consequence for it.

What is a consequence? Let's say a teacher finds out about that big classmate who took the little classmate's food, and she sends him to the headteacher. That would be a consequence of the wrong choice he made.

When we sin, there are consequences too. Because God is just, He won't pretend we don't do wrong things. That would be like if your parents just covered their eyes while your brother or sister kept stomping on your favourite toy! Instead, God sent Jesus to die on the cross so that Jesus could take on all the consequences of our sins for us.



LUKE 18:1-8

Jesus told a story about a judge who wasn't just. The judge didn't care about the people in his town. One woman kept coming to him, saying, "There's a man who's not being fair to me. Help me. Make this right!" The judge didn't want to help, but he eventually agreed to help because the woman wouldn't stop asking. Jesus said, "God is far better than this bad judge. So don't stop asking Him to make things right. God will help His people!"


Get out some treats, and give one to each family member. Then have your brother or sister play along by snatching a treat from someone else. Say to the thief, “That's not fair. Please give it back.” This will be practice for helping to make the world just!


God, thank You for Your justice. Help me be like You and do what is fair.



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