Thursday 1 July 2021


All the angels gathered before the Lord in heaven, even Satan, the angel who had become God’s enemy. Satan spoke to God. “Look at the people you created. Not one of them truly worships you!”

“Think about Job,” God said. “He does nothing wrong. He worships me and stays away from evil.”

“That’s because you have blessed him with a big family and great wealth!” Satan argued. “You have given him everything, from children to land. Take all that away and he will say bad things about you to your face!”

“Go and test him,” God said. 

“Do as you want with him, only do not kill him.” Now Satan would learn that a man like Job worships God even when things aren’t going well for him. 

Satan began making bad things happen to Job. First some men took away all his oxen and donkeys and killed his farm workers. Then fire burned up Job’s sheep and shepherds. Robbers stole his camels and killed his servants. Finally, Satan sent a windstorm to crush the house where Job’s children were having a party. All 10 of Job’s children died, seven boys and three girls!

Crying and tearing his robe, Job bowed his head and prayed. “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

God looked down at Job and told Satan, “You see now that people worship me for who I am, not just to receive blessings from me. My servant Job is the finest man on earth.”

Satan was furious! He yelled at God. “A man will curse you to your face when he is in pain and wants to die!”

So God let Satan give Job painful boils. These sores covered him from his feet to his head. Job cried in pain. He went outside the city and sat in a garbage dump. When Job still did not curse God, Satan turned Job’s wife against him. She felt bad because all her children had died. “Job, how can you have faith in God? Look how you suffer! Curse God and die!”

Angry, Job shook his head. “Should we accept good things from God, and not bad? Even if God kills me, I will trust in him!”

Only four of Job’s friends came to comfort him, Bildad, Zophar, Eliphaz, and the youngest, Elihu. For seven days, they said nothing. Then they started to talk, and talk, and talk. They tried to come up with some reason for Job’s suffering. 

Bildad told Job he must have sinned. “It is right for you to suffer for something you did wrong!”

Job said he had done nothing wrong. 

“Only the guilty suffer,” Zophar insisted. 

Even Eliphaz lied and said Job had sent people away who needed help. 

Job did not understand why God had handed him over to these unkind friends. “God knows I have done no wrong. He will take my side. My Redeemer, who will save me, lives. Someday he will take his place on the earth!”

Elihu, the youngest, tried to make everyone believe he was wiser than the other three friends. He spoke for a long time. At least he felt sorry for Job and talked about how great God is. 

All this talk just made Job cry, though, and wish he had never been born. He said God had become his enemy. He didn’t know Satan was the one who had caused all his suffering. 

Finally, God stopped the four men from talking. 

He asked Job one question after another. Job needed to learn that God is in control, even when people don’t understand what is happening. 

Job was sorry he had questioned God. “You can do all things, Lord. You are too wonderful for words. Teach me.”

Then God told Job’s friends, “I am angry with you! Job will pray for you, and I will listen to him. I won’t do to you what you deserve!”

After that, God blessed Job by doing many kind things for him. God gave Job twice as many animals as he had before, and many more farm workers and servants. Family and friends gave him gifts. Job and his wife had 10 more children, seven sons and three daughters. Job lived 140 years after everything was given back to him. He saw his sons and daughters grow up and marry. He saw his grandsons and their children and grandchildren grow up!

God had allowed Satan to test Job. And Job had passed his test. He kept his faith in God, no matter what Satan did to him. 

1 comment:

  1. It's only when our faith has been tested that we know that it is real
