Saturday 3 July 2021


“Jesus is coming to town!” Everyone in Jericho came out to see the young prophet who could do wonderful miracles that no one else could do. People lined both sides of the road. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus too, but he was so short he couldn’t see over the others. And the people would not make room for him. 

“Let me through!” he cried out. “Let me see Jesus!”

People moved closer together, making a wall in front of him. Zacchaeus knew they hated him. They were his own people, but he collected taxes from them for the Romans. And he always charged extra money so he could keep some for himself. 

Jesus was about to pass by! Afraid that he would miss him, Zacchaeus ran ahead and climbed up a sycamore tree. 

Look at Zacchaeus up there!” The people laughed and made fun of him. 

Zacchaeus felt ashamed, but what else could he do? He had to see Jesus and hear what he to say!

Jesus stopped when he came near the tree. Zacchaeus blushes when Jesus looked up and saw him perched on a limb. 

Would the prophet make fun of him too? Would Jesus tell him he deserved to be on the outside of the group, hated by everyone?

“Zacchaeus,” Jesus called up to him. “Hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house.”

The people grumbled. “Jesus will go to the house of a sinner?”

Amazed and grateful, Zacchaeus happily scrambled down. He led Jesus to his fine home and ordered his servants to prepare a feast. As Jesus spoke, Zacchaeus listened. His heart changed. He looked around at all he owned and knew that what other people said about him was true. 

“I am a sinner!” Zacchaeus told Jesus. He didn’t want to sin anymore. He wanted to live for God! But would Jesus believe him? Would the people?

Zacchaeus got up and opened the doors wide so the people from his town could hear. “I will give half of all I own to the poor. And if I have taken more tax money than I should have from anyone, I will give back four times as much.”

The people who heard this were astonished and praised God. 

Jesus smiled. “Today, salvation has come to this home. I have come to save people like you who have been lost.”

God forgave Zacchaeus for his sins and welcomed him into his family as his child. 




Zacchaeus showed his changed heart by his actions, repaying more than required to the people he had stolen from. Not only did he agree to give back four times the amount he had stolen, he also said he would give half of all he had to the poor. Do you think Zacchaeus was truly sorry for what he had done? Why or why not? If so, what made him feel sorry? How do you suppose his actions changed after that day?

When you’ve wronged a person, sometimes it’s hard to say, “Sorry.” But you need to say it anyway. Do you need to make things right with anyone? How can you do that? How would you feel if you tried to make up with someone who wouldn’t accept your apology? What do you think it would take for you to forgive someone who wronged you?

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