Saturday 31 July 2021




A message from God spoken by a person 


“We’re meeting at the big tree at break. Pass it on!” If someone said that to you, you’d be getting a special message. And when you passed it on, you’d be the messenger, the one giving the message. 

God gave special messages that were called prophecies, and He picked certain people to become His prophets, or His messengers. These people would speak God’s words to the rest of the people. 

God reminded them, “I rescued you from slavery and made you My own special people. Don’t you remember?” The Israelites had been acting like they’d forgotten all about God! They disobeyed Him all the time. 

Has your teacher ever warned you that you’d get a punishment if you kept breaking a rule? That’s kind of like what God was doing. He wanted to help the Israelites change. “Your sin will bring you trouble,” God said. “But if you stop disobeying Me, I’ll forgive you, and we can be close again.”

Some of the prophecies were about the future. “Just wait,” a prophet would say, “someday God will send a mighty King who will rescue people from their sins.”

The prophet Micah said, “This new king will be born in Bethlehem.” Do you remember where Jesus was born? Bethlehem!

The prophet Isaiah said, “This Saviour will die right next to criminals.” And Jesus did that too. 

After Jesus died and came back to life, He met with His followers and explained “what all the prophets had said about him.” (Lk 24.27) It had all happened exactly as they’d said it would. 



Isaiah 35, Luke 7.21-22


The prophet Isaiah told people that the coming Saviour would do miracles – awesome things that showed God’s power. These miracles wouldn’t only amaze people – they’d also help them. Isaiah said, “He will make blind people see again and deaf people hear again. He will make people who normally can’t walk jump like deer. He will make people who normally can’t talk shout with joy.” Hundreds of years later, Jesus did all of those things!



God still uses people to share His messages today. You can pass along God’s messages from the Bible to others. Write out a Bible verse on a note card. (say, Ephesians 4.32) Then give that note card to a friend. 



God, thank You for showing us Your love by speaking to us. 

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