Sunday 11 July 2021




God’s act of something new


When you bring home something you made at school, like a painting, you feel proud as you hand it to your mum. It’s special because you made it. It even shows something about you – what colours you like, how good you are at painting, or what you can imagine. Your mum might say, “Wow, this is some great work you did! I like how you gave the elephants purple dots” or “I like the sun with the smiley face.”

When we look at people and the world around us – sand and mountains, animals and plants, sunlight and rain – we see what God created. And we can see what God is like when we look at what He made. We feel His power in thunder and big ocean waves, and we see His beauty in bright flowers and pretty sunsets. We can tell He’s good when He gives us tasty food from the earth. We feel His love and joy when we hug our dad or giggle with a friend. 

Signs of God’s knowledge, love and life are everywhere, and they all give us reasons to worship and trust Him. They also give us reasons to be happy!

See how many things you can notice today that show God’s creative power. Then tell God what you love about what He’s made. 



Genesis 1


The story of the world began when God decided to make it. All He had to do was say, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And He created everything out of nothing! He made the land and seas, the sun and moon, and the plants and animals, and He called them good. Then He made people and called them very good. God created everything over six days. On the seventh day, He rested. 



Create something of your own using whatever supplies you can find – paper, glue, scissors, markers, a paper towel roll, or wool. Make the shape of a person or animal. This is your creation! Now step away from all your supplies and make something else out of nothing. Wait, you can’t do that, can you? Only God can create something from nothing!



God, I praise You for creating this whole world. You are amazing! Today, my favourite thing You made is ….

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