Tuesday 20 July 2021




Pure and set apart


Would you ever use your toothbrush to scrub the floor and then put it in your mouth? Ugh!, no! You always make sure your toothbrush is clean, right? That way it's set apart for a special activity.

God wants His people to be set apart for a special activity too for worshiping Him. And just like we need to use a clean toothbrush to brush our teeth, we need to be clean from sin to worship God.

You see, God is holy, which means He’s pure and there's no sin in Him. But people are sinful, which means they don't always do what's right. God wanted a special group of people, the Israelites, to be set apart from everyone else. He said, "You must be holy because am holy" (Lev 19.2).

God gave the Israelites rules that helped them to do good and love one another.

It's like if you went to a friend's house covered in mud. You left dark footprints in every room, and at snack time, glops of mud fell from your sleeve into your friend's bowl! Afterward, your mum made a rule, always take a shower before playdates.

When the Israelites did what God said, they'd be holy. They could worship Him and show the world how good He is.

Nowadays anyone who follows Jesus can be one of God's holy people too. Colossians 3 says, "God has chosen you and made you his holy people. He loves you. So always...be kind, humble, gentle, and patient.... Forgive each other...Love each other" (.12-14). When we do those things, we worship God and show the world how good He is!



Exodus 3:1-6

One day Moses was taking care of some sheep when he saw a burning bush. He walked up to it to see what was going on, God called Moses name from the bush and said, "Don't come closer. Take off your sandals. You're standing on holy ground." Moses obeyed because he knew how pure, important, and powerful God is. He covered his face to show respect. Moses knew that any place where God is becomes a special and holy place.


The next time you put on pyjamas, think about how they are clothes set apart for bedtime. This is just like how we’re set apart for obeying God so that we can be pure and loving like Him.


God, I want to be holy like You. Help me do what is pure, good, and loving.

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