Sunday 18 July 2021




Being perfect and always right


Think of a time you gave the right answer to a question in school. Did you feel excited? It feels nice to have the right answer because we can't be right all the time.

But there is someone who's right all the time. You probably can guess who. God! The Bible says He is righteous – everything He does is right. He's perfect, pure, and good. He'll never do something wrong because that would go against who He is.

Think about it like this. Can a hippo fly in the sky? Can a slug outrun a cheetah? No! It's not in their nature to do those things.

That’s how they were made. In the same way, it's not in God's nature to be wrong.

Psalm 119 says, "Lord, you do what is right.. The rules you commanded are right" (.137-138), God is always the one who can decide what's right. We can't do that on our own. So God gave us rules to help us and guide us in the right way to live.

Every time we read a command in the Bible, it's like God is sharing a secret with us. "This is what really matters," He whispers. "Trust My wisdom."

We'll never be perfect on earth, but God wants us to keep trying to learn and do what is right. He will help us do the right thing too. Just ask!





When we do the right thing, it's like we're showing other people God's righteousness. Take a look at 1 Samuel 24. King Saul was mad at David because God had chosen David to become the new king. King Saul tried to hurt David, so David ran away. While David was hiding in a cave, Saul walked right into it, knowing David was there. It was the perfect time for David to sneak up on Saul and hurt him, but David chose not to.

When Saul found out, he was shocked. He said to David, “You are more righteous than I am. You treated me well even after treated you badly. May God reward you for doing what was right!”



Take out your favourite puzzle and start working on it. When you find a puzzle piece that fits, think, ‘That's the right piece. That's the only one that's right.’ God and His good rules are the same way. Only God is right. Only what He says to do is right.



God, I praise You for always being right!



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