Thursday 22 July 2021



 An action that God says is wrong 

 Crash! A ball you threw hits your mum's flower vase. When she walks in the room, you point to your brother and say, “He broke it!” 

Even if you don't get in trouble with Mum, you’ve lied, which God says is a sin.

 The Bible teaches us what is right and wrong by giving us commands. Don't lie, steal, or hurt people. Love God and love others. Keep your promises. A sin is anything we do that is not pure or good or that goes against what God says is best for us. 

 Sin hurts the people around us, and it hurts our own hearts. But most of all, it becomes a big problem in our relationship with God. It's like if you had a friend who kept stealing your things. That would become a problem in your relationship, wouldn't it? 

God is holy and pure, so sin separates us from Him. He is also just – He keeps things right and fair – and His justice says there has to be a consequence for sin. What is that consequence? Well the Bible says, “The payment for sin is death.” (Rom. 6.23) Everyone has sinned, so the whole world is in this bad situation. 

 But guess what! God loves us so much. His love for us is as big as the universe. He doesn't want us to be separated from Him, even though we've sinned. That's why God sent Jesus to earth. He wanted to save us! Jesus made a way for us to be forgiven – not punished-and to become close with God again. 


 Do you remember where the first sin happened in the Bible? lt was in the garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve not to eat fruit from one tree. Later the fruit from that tree seemed so delicious that they went ahead and bit into it anyway. Their Sin made God so sad. It meant that they had to move away from the garden – and farther away from Him. 

 Pour some water in a clear cup. Add colour to it – either by stirring a marker in it or by adding a drop of food colouring. Now add some oil (any kind) to the cup and stir it. Can you see how the oil and water stay separate? That's like how God and sin are – God is always separate from sin. 

 God, thank You for showing us what is right and wrong. I believe that what You say is right for me.

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