Saturday 31 July 2021




A song or poem that is a prayer to God 


If you could pick an emoji, or a little drawing of a face, to show how you have felt today, which one would you pick? Happy or sad? Excited or tired? Maybe you’ve even felt all of those – and more – at different times today!

Everybody has lots of feelings day after day, and there’s a book in the Bible that proves we can share all those feelings with God. That book is called Psalms, and it’s made up of a bunch of poems and songs – 150 of them. Many people say it’s their favourite book in the Bible because there are psalms that fit with just about any feeling you can imagine having.

 God’s people used these poems and songs to share their hearts with God and worship Him, and we can too! They are examples for us to follow.

 King David wrote about half of the prayers in the book of Psalms. He talked to God about everything. Sometimes he would look up to the hills and cry out to God by saying, “I need help!” Other times he would say, “I’m scared!” or “I messed up!” Sometimes he’d cry and say, “God, I feel sadder than ever right now.”

Other times David was exploding with joy. He’d shout, “God, You are awesome!” He’d play his harp and sing, “Thank You for everything!” Or he’d whisper, “I love You more than anything, God.” 

You know what? God wants you to do the same thing. He loves hearing you talk and sing to Him — about anything and everything! 


Psalm 91


We don’t know who wrote Psalm 91, but it sounds like they were in a dangerous situation – maybe a soldier about to go into battle. He wrote, “Being with God is like finding a safe place, a shelter where I can rest.” When he was with God, he felt like he was in a strong tower where nothing could hurt him. He said, “God will protect me, like a bird covering her babies with her wing.” Can you imagine how baby birds feel when they’re all snuggled up to their mummy? God wants us to feel like that with Him. So just like the psalmist, we can say, “God, I trust in You. Keep me safe and close to You!”


Come up with your own poem or song you can use as a prayer. Talk to God about anything on your mind or anything you love about Him. Or instead, just pick a worship song and sing it to God at bedtime.


God, I’m so glad I can tell You anything. I praise You for being so wonderful! 



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