Sunday 18 July 2021

Resurrection day 1

 Early in the morning, the women went to the tomb. It was the first day of the week and they had a lot to do, so they got an early start visiting the body of Jesus, making sure everything was as it should be before embarking on their journey home.

Why did they go to the tomb? Because they assumed they would find Jesus there — dead. They had seen Him die. They had watched His body go into the cave. Dead people then, as now, tended to stay dead.

But something was not right. The stone was rolled away. And upon closer inspection, they found the grave clothes, but not the corpse. There was no body.

What in the world was going on?

Suddenly two men appeared, their clothes shining bright as lightning. “What are you doing here looking for a live person among dead bodies?”

We aren’t looking for a live person; we’re looking for a dead man.

“He has risen just like He said He would. Don’t you remember?”

Hmm, that does sound familiar. He did say something about that. More than once, if memory serves. But He also said that He was the Messiah, and Messiahs aren’t supposed to die. Messiahs are supposed to kill the bad guys, not be killed by the bad guys. Wow, those clothes are bright!

“Hurry back and tell the others that Jesus Christ is no longer dead.”

Bursting back into the room where the dejected followers of Jesus were, these women began to tell them what had just happened. But where do you even begin to explain the inexplicable? It didn’t make sense. The stone was where? There were two men whose clothes were shiny who said what? It had been a long and traumatic week for everyone — especially the women. There had been the parade into the city, that incident in the Temple, the Passover, the death of Jesus, and now this. Maybe these women ought to lie down.

It was nonsense to everyone. Except Peter. Peter started thinking back to a conversation he’d had with Jesus a while back. Jesus had asked everyone, “Who do you really think I am?”

Peter had answered Jesus before he even realised his mouth was open: “You’re the One — the Messiah.”

And Jesus had applauded him for his answer. But then Jesus had started talking about death and resurrection. It hadn’t made sense at the time. And when Peter tried to interrupt Jesus, there were harsh words exchanged.

Peter bolted from the room, John hot on his heels.

Arriving at the tomb, they saw the strips of linen — but not the body. What could this possibly mean? You don’t suppose …




Lord, Your enduring Word is a progressive revelation of Your character, Your ways, Your purposes and Your plans. The story of the Old Testament gradually unveils a messianic Figure who would be unlike anyone else. He would be both a Servant and a King. He would live and die and live again. He would open His mouth in parables and accomplish miracles that would demonstrate His authority over all things. He would be betrayed, sold for 30 pieces of silver, crucified and pierced through. He would be despised and forsaken of men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He would be rejected and mocked by His own people. But He would overcome the bondage of death, and His death and resurrection would mean the death of death. Glory to You for His Incarnation, His life, His ministry, His miracles, His teaching, His redemptive death and His awesome resurrection.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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