Friday 16 July 2021




God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit


Have you ever heard someone explain something, but you didn’t understand it?

There are somethings about God we can’t  fully understand – and that’s ok. That means He’s bigger than what our minds can hold. But we keep trying to understand Him because we love Him.

One crazy, mysterious thing about God is called the Trinity, which means ‘three in one.’ There’s only one God, yet there are three Persons who are God. There’s God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They’re each distinct, or separate, from each other – that means the Father isn’t the Son, the Son isn’t the Spirit, and the Spirit isn’t the Father. But each of them is the one God of the Bible.

If you’re thinking, Whoa, what? Then you’re like everyone else! Just keep listening to what the Bible says.

In the beginning of the world, God said, “Let us make human beings in our image and likeness.” (Gen 1.26) The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit created everything together.

Jesus taught people to pray to the Father in His own name. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide people and change their hearts. He told His disciples to baptise people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All three are their own person. All three are the one God.

God blows our minds, right? And why shouldn’t He? He is God, and we’re not. There’s no one like Him.



Matthew 3.13-17


The word Trinity isn’t in the Bible, but all three Persons are in it. Just take a look at Jesus’ baptism. When Jesus came up out of the water, heaven opened. The Holy Spirit came down on Him like a dove. God’s voice came down from heaven and said, “This is my Son and I love him. I am very pleased with him.” (.17)



The Trinity is a mystery we’ll never really understand. It’s too big and wonderful for our minds! But some people have noticed that God left clues about the Trinity in the beautiful world He created. For example, a three-leaf clover has three leaves, but it is one plant. An egg has a shell, a yolk, and a white part, yet it’s one piece of food. These things aren’t exactly like the Trinity, but they help us think about it and open our hearts to the mystery. Can you think of any other clues in creation that show this ‘three-in-one’ idea?



God, You are wild and amazing, and i worship You because You are bigger than I can understand!  

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