Wednesday 21 July 2021




Giving praise and showing honour.


What something you own that's important to you? Think about how you treat it do you bury it under clothes and ignore it? Do you step on it? No! You are careful with it and put it in a special place, like on the shelf in your room. When anyone walks in, They’ll see how special it is.

 God can see how important He is to us by the way we treat Him. If He has a special place in our lives, then we can show Him how much we love Him by worshipping Him. When we worship, we are saying, “You're the most amazing and the most important!”

 How do we worship?

By singing songs to God and praying, by reading the Bible and obeying, and by loving and helping others. Worship is anything we do to show God that he deserves our time, attention, and hard work.

Why should we worship God?

Because He's wonderful! He's perfect and powerful. He made us and takes care of us. We don't worship Him to get a reward. We do it out of love for Him. It's just like why you give someone a hug – you do it because you love them.

Worship is what happens at church on Sunday, but it's also anything you do during the week to honour God, like saying a prayer or sharing with a friend. Our worship not only honours God –  it also shows others how awesome He is. It's like we're putting a giant spotlight on Him and His greatness.


Daniel 6


Daniel worshipped God everyday. He prayed, memorised God’s word, under page God. When he moved to a country where almost no one else worshipped God, Daniel thought, ‘I won't quit. I'll still worship God.’ When a new law said he wasn't allowed to pray to God, Daniel thought, ‘that won't stop me!’ Daniel was put in a lions’ den as punishment for praying to God, but God kept him safe. The king of the land said, “Everyone must now respect Daniel’s God – the one true God!”


Look at the worship activities below. Try to do one activity a day for a week. it's not about being perfect. it's about showing God you love him by trying.

1 Singing a song about how good God is

2 Praying

3 Reading the Bible

4 Obeying

5 Showing love to someone

6 Helping someone

7 Giving to someone in need



God, I want to worship you everyday. I think you're amazing!

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