Saturday 24 December 2022

You could have

 You could have come in majesty

With splendid crowns and royal robes

But came a simple, helpless babe

To people who were very poor


You could have had a kingly bed

With satin sheets and silver posts

And golden netting up above

But chose a feeding trough instead


You could have had the emperor

Attend your coming on his knees

But chose instead some shepherds who

Were ordinary as the night


You could have saved the very rich

And left the rest to rot and burn

But chose to come for all of us

Who’d turn to you in simple faith


You showed us that the finer things

Aren’t really very fine at all

When they’re compared with just a babe

Who’s very God in very flesh

Friday 23 December 2022

The rush

 In the harried Christmas rush

Buying presents by the score

Let’s go check just one more store!

All at once we sense a hush


We’re drawn back two thousand years

Out with shepherds, flocks by night

Suddenly angel light

Holds out hope to quell our fears


On beyond our hurried fun

Is the angel’s holy voice

There’s a reason to rejoice

Though our shopping's never done


It’s about a single birth

God has come to live as man

All our presents never can

Match that holy baby’s worth

Thursday 22 December 2022

Advent 22 post 16 Because

 Because of Your birth

I can celebrate my rebirth. I’ve been born again to abundant life.


Because You chose Mary

I know You use people who have hearts to serve You. My qualifications aren’t Your focus.


Because of Mary’s song of praise

I am encouraged to praise You even when I don’t have all the answers. If You ask me to do something. I can be grateful that You have chosen to use me and I can trust that You will see it through.


Because You chose a humble manger

I better understand that trappings don’t matter. You came to serve, not to be served.


Because You chose shepherds as your first visitors

I know that You include everyone. You’re not looking for credentials. You welcome ordinary folks, like me.


Because of the angel army

I know the hosts of Heaven worship You and we are invited to join them.


Because You fulfilled prophecy

I am assured that You are indeed Messiah. You came to set us free, inside and out, now and forever!


Because of the visit from the Wise Men

I know You are Messiah for all, the King of the Jews and the reigning King of All for All Ages.


Because of their gifts

I get a glimpse of who You are even when You were a young child, King of Kings, Great High Priest, and Perfect Lamb.


Because You are Jesus (The Lord Saves)

I am rescued and safe in Your arms, forever.


Because You are Immanuel (God With Us)

I am never alone. You have promised to be with me always.


Because You are God Incarnate (Love in the flesh)

I am content knowing that I am a child of God, enfolded in Your love. I don’t have to work for Your approval.


Because You are Joy

I am freed to live in joy regardless of circumstances. I belong to You and Your promises are true.


Because You are the Prince of Peace

I am at rest. There is turmoil in this world, but I dwell in You.


Because You are the Hope of the World.

I am confident of my present and my future because You control both.

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Advent 22 post 15

 The angels invited the shepherds,

Humble men of poverty,

The star guided the Wise Men,

There was a King they wanted to see.

What a picture this story paints

God’s salvation is for everyone,

Rich and poor, wise and simple,

All are embraced by God’s loving Son.

Salvation is meant for all mankind,

The work of God’s mighty hand.

It’s His desire we receive His Son,

That’s always been God’s plan.

Thank You, Lord, for extending Your invitation to everyone. Give me a heart to love Your children – all of them, not just those I find likeable or deserving. May my life reflect Your beauty. May others see Your love in me. Amen

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Advent 22 post 14

 Matthew 2 1-11

We are Magi from the East

And we have travelled far

To see the newborn Jewish King

Led by the Bethlehem star

We didn’t come unprepared 

We carefully chose the gifts we'd bring

Gold was an obvious choice

A gift to honour the newborn King

Our other gifts?

Frankincense and myrrh

An incense and a spice

One to mark a holy priest

One to make ready a sacrifice

Finally seeing the mother and Son

Try to imagine the wonder we felt

There was only one natural response 

We approached in reverence and humbly knelt

Over the years our titles have varied 

We’ve been called Kings and Wise Men, too

But honestly we were mere seekers

Seeking the Truth, just like you.

If there is anything that distinguishes us,

That somehow makes us wise

It’s really found in simple things

Wanting to see Him with our own eyes 

And when we saw Him, we worshipped 

We knelt before Him in awe

We gave Him gifts to honour Him

And praised God for all we saw

Perhaps herein lies wisdom 

It’s shown in reverent humility 

Recognizing that God is sovereign 

Over all that is and is to be

So when He invites you, come promptly

Love Him with soul, mind, and heart

Bow down and humbly adore Him

And give Him your best, all that you are

There is a lot that we do not know about the Wise Men. We don’t know exactly where they came from, how many there were,  when they actually arrived. But we know what we need to know. They came looking for Jesus even though it involved a long journey. They brought precious gifts. When they saw Him, they knelt before Him and worshipped. We, too, would be wise to seek God, to draw near to Him whether or not it is convenient or easy. We owe Him our best. And our response to Him should be one of awe and worship. Because of Jesus we have access to the Father, how foolish we would be to ignore that. How wise to follow Him.

Lord, help me, like the Wise Men, to come to You, regardless of convenience or ease. And let me offer worship that pleases You. Help me to remember that wisdom lies in seeking You. Amen

Monday 19 December 2022

Advent 22 post 13

 Luke 2.36-38

I spend my time in the temple to worship God with fasting and prayer.

There’s no other place I’d rather be – day and night, I’m always there.

So when I heard Simeon talking and saw him with the baby boy,

I knew at once He was Messiah, imagine my gratitude and joy!

I couldn’t wait to share the story – there were others awaiting this King.

They were all beyond excitement when they heard the news I had to bring.

I wonder how His parents felt with all the attention and prophecy.

Overwhelmed, I suspect, but filled with awe and expectancy.

Anna is another person that I rarely think of as ‘part of the story.’ There are only three verses in the Bible about her. But what a testimony to her and her love for God that Luke would choose to include her. She had been widowed for many years and spent her life worshipping God. God honoured her by revealing His Son to her and letting her share the news with others. Even when we are old like Anna and Simeon, God remembers us and has a purpose for us.

Forgive me, Lord, when I take for granted the miracle of Christmas, when all the celebration becomes more important than seeking Jesus. Let me learn from Anna and Simeon that the joy of Christmas is in seeing Jesus. May He be the joy of my heart! Amen

Sunday 18 December 2022

Advent 22 post 12

 Luke 2.22-35

I knew I must go to the temple today.

Why? I really didn’t know.

I couldn’t explain the strong urge I felt,

God’s Spirit just told me to go.


I hadn’t been there very long

When I saw a young couple with their son.

My heart was overcome with joy

I knew this was God’s Holy One.


He was only a tiny baby

Maybe that’s a bit of a surprise.

But I knew instantaneously

The Messiah lay before my eyes.


I took Him in my arms and praised Him,

The Shining Light for all mankind.

Sadly some will hate and reject Him,

Others in Him their joy will find.


God had promised me long ago

That I would see His Chosen One.

Now I have held Him in my arms,

I praise God for all He has done!


Now I can die in peace,

The Messiah has arrived!

I may be approaching the end of my life,

But I’ve never felt more alive!



When I remember the “Christmas story,” I rarely think of Simeon. But consider him for a moment, a man so devout that his heart’s greatest desire was to see God’s Messiah. And God honoured his devotion with a promise that he would indeed see Him before his own death. The Spirit led Simeon to the Temple while Mary and Joseph were there to present Jesus to the Lord. Simeon immediately knew who Jesus was when he held Him. I wonder if he was surprised that the Messiah was a tiny baby or if he had expected that. Regardless, he was satisfied! He was grateful to see Jesus and said he could die in peace now. Oh that my heart would find its desire satisfied in Jesus alone!



Lord, Simeon’s deepest desire was to see You. May that be the desire of my heart, too. Forgive me, Lord, for taking the blessing of Your constant presence with me for granted. Open my eyes to really see You and my heart to acknowledge and enjoy Your nearness. And, like Simeon, may I be filled with gratitude and with Your peace. Amen.

Saturday 17 December 2022

The journey

 Oh, Joseph, must you go to Bethlehem?

And if you go, then why must it be now?

The baby’s due to come so very soon!

You know, my love, that I’d do anything 

To keep you and God’s holy baby safe.

But I must go. It’s Caesar’s own command, 

And us? We don’t ask why. We just obey.

But come along with me. I’ll keep you safe.

Yes, come with me. The Lord will give us strength. 

And so, they packed a little bag and left.

They walked along the dusty road for miles.

At first, adventure filled their minds, and hope.

But by the middle of the second day,

The newness now long gone, just hope remained, 

Sustained by faith in their all-faithful Lord.

They walked on still. The miles now seemed to stretch.

The third and final day wore down to dusk.

At last, they entered little Bethlehem, 

And Mary knew her time had almost come.

Now Joseph hurried, rushing to the inn,

But found no room for Mary’s birthing hour. 

Discouraged, he then found a quiet place

Where animals, not men, had often slept. 

He thought he’d failed, but Mary looked at him

With love and said, “Oh, Joseph, it’s enough.”

And so they found themselves, that strangest night, 

In Bethlehem beside a feeding trough.

Friday 16 December 2022

The couple

 Mary, clean virgin, 

Yet knowing her weakness and sin, 

Wholly astounded, 

Heard news of God’s baby within.

Righteous, good workman 

Now brimming with shock and dismay, 

Joseph determined 

To quietly send her away...  

Then saw an angel 

Appear in a dream in the night; 

Heard with amazement 

His bride was still holy and right. 

Wounded by gossip 

And called by the census away, 

They found a manger 

To fill with a baby, not hay. 

Leaving his glory 

And veiling his infinite worth 

Such is the story 

Of God now in flesh here on earth.

Thursday 15 December 2022

Advent 22 post 11

 How amazing! How glorious! Heaven has come to Earth!

How astounding, even puzzling, such a plain and simple birth.

His earthly parents –  just everyday folk, travel-worn and tired,

Simple shepherds who came to visit, having heard the angel choir.


How like our gracious God, He honours the meek again.

He makes it clear the work is His – what man can’t do, God can!

We can’t save ourselves, we owe a debt that we can’t pay.

We can’t work our way to Heaven, but God came to make the Way.



Thank You, God, for doing for me what I can’t do for myself. Remind me, Lord, that I need a Saviour, I am a sinner and You’re the only one who can save me. Without You, I am lost. Thank You, Jesus – the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Father God, I come to You now through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen

Advent 22 10

 Luke 2.19


This has been quite a journey,

Remarkable from the start.

I’m trying to take it all in,

To store it forever in my heart.


An angel's visit, a promised Son,

A husband who honoured the vow he’d made,

An arduous trip, a stable birth,

Shepherds, and an angel serenade.

Angels and shepherds joined in worship,

Heaven and earth in one accord,

I’ll hold these memories in my heart,

As I hold my baby and my Lord!



What a day and night it had been! Mary had to be exhausted, she was probably hurting, too. But she didn’t want to miss a thing, she pondered all that had happened. Her heart was full, and I’m sure she wanted to remember every detail as she meditated on all God had done and the way He had done it.



Lord, I want to be one who ponders, too. Impress on my memory the events of the night of Your birth and may I treasure them in my heart. May I embrace all of You with all that I am. Please take Your seat on the throne of my heart. Amen

Tuesday 13 December 2022

Advent 22 post 9

 Luke 2.8-20

Shepherding a flock is rarely exciting, in fact, the hours can drag on.

At night when time passes slowly, the urge to sleep is strong.

But not tonight! We’re wide awake! An angel appeared in God’s glory.

He stood in radiance among us to tell the Christmas story.

Oh, we were terribly frightened, I think you would be, too,

If in the quiet of a routine night God’s angel appeared to you!

He reassured us quickly and told us not to fear.

He had come with good news to tell us, God’s Son, the Messiah, was here!

Then suddenly the armies of heaven joined him, together their voices they raised.

“Glory to God in the highest,” the heavens were filled with praise.

And so we set out to find him, to kneel in adoration,

We were humbled and thrilled to be there by God’s personal invitation!

Before we returned to our fields, we told others what we had seen.

Everyone was astonished, what could all of this mean?

Could this be the Messiah? A manger stall His birth site?

Is Immanuel sleeping in a manger as God works a miracle tonight?

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby...” Consider what these poorly regarded shepherds experienced, while watching their sheep on what they thought was an ordinary, maybe even boring, night, they were visited in person by an angel, they were given news that had been announced to no one else, a host of angels joined them, praising God and giving Him glory, they were invited – in fact, instructed – to visit the newborn Christ, when they arrived they were the only guests invited – just Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and animals, they were the first missionaries, telling others what they had seen. Quite an experience for a group of men on the bottom rung of society! Their dull night had been changed into a night of affirmation and rejoicing!

Lord, You left the majesty of heaven to be born in a manger in a small town, worshipped by ordinary shepherds – what a glorious message! I am ordinary, too. Don’t let me miss Your messages to me. And when You invite me to approach You, may I eagerly draw near in humble adoration. May I respond with worship and obedience. Amen

Monday 12 December 2022

Advent 22 post 8

 Luke 2.6-7

Come to the stable.   

What do you see? 

God in a feed trough for you and for me.  

He’s just a baby,   

Tender and small, 

But He will be the King over all.

Jesus – fully God and fully man

From the first, redemption's plan

Display of God’s love, atonement for sins

Born in a manger, Salvation begins!

God kissed Earth with the physical presence of Himself! Jesus! Messiah! Perfect Lamb! Soon and Coming King! Lord above all lords! But tonight He's a tiny, helpless Baby in the care of Mary and Joseph, and he's just gone to sleep so Shhhh.

Lord, You knew from man’s first sin that You would send a Saviour. I’m not sure that I fully comprehend how monumental that is – that the Creator of the universe would come and live among His children as one of them. Yet You love us so deeply that that is exactly what You did! The Baby in the manger didn’t look like the mighty Saviour of the world, but that’s who He was – and is. Thank You, my Lord and my Redeemer. Amen

Sunday 11 December 2022

Advent 22 post 7

 Luke 2.1-7

Lord, did I hear You right?

The trip to register was a difficult one.

I want to submit to Your plan, of course, 

But Bethlehem? For the birth of Your Son?

We’re here seeking shelter – anywhere!

“No room” is the familiar refrain.

But this is Your Son we’re talking about 

Jesus, the Messiah, born to reign!

He’ll be born in a humble stable,

Not in a warm, cosy room.

Mary is resting among the animals

Ready to give birth very soon.

I know You’ve planned this all along,

This hasn’t caught You by surprise.

You’re right here with us by design,

You’re God all-knowing, God all-wise.

So here again the lowly and plain

A simple birth in a cattle stall

Is paired with the miraculous and holy

Jesus, Son of God and Lord of All!

I can only speak for myself, but I think I’d be really whiny if while being a nine-month-pregnant woman, I had to go on a long trip – in a car, much less on foot or donkey! And then ask me to sleep in an animal stall? And deliver a baby there? I would suspect that Mary and Joseph both wondered about the circumstances, but apparently they humbly accepted the realities of these crude birth conditions. They remained faithful in their commitments to be obedient to God’s guidance and to trust that He had a plan.

Help me, Lord, not to second-guess You. Too often, I think I know how things are supposed to be and during ‘Bethlehem/no room in the inn' moments, I run ahead of You to work out the details in my own way. Help me to trust Your plan and to remember that when things seem to go wrong. You’re not caught by surprise. Sometimes when everything seems to be going awry, I’m right in the centre of Your will and need to rest there. Remind me to be still and rest as I wait on you. Amen

Saturday 10 December 2022

From to

 From the brilliance of heaven

To the darkness of night


From the songs of the angels

To the mooing of cattle


From the all wise Creator 

To an ignorant babe


From the fragrance of heaven

To the smell of a stable


And this rich condensation 

Was but only the start


From the depths of our being

We must fall down in worship

Is it for children

People say Christmas is for children 

It is. It’s for children of the King.

Don’t forget to enjoy the Christmas story with childlike wonder once again this year.

Think of a baby in a stable overcoming the mighty Roman empire – and be amazed

Think of angels – a host of them – singing to a group of shepherds – and be amazed

Think of the Creator of the universe voluntarily becoming helpless – and be amazed 

Think of a pure virgin having a baby, and of her betrothed believing her – and be amazed 

Think of God loving you so much that He sent His Son to rescue you – and be amazed

Thursday 8 December 2022

Advent 22 post 6

 Matthew 1.18-25

This has been a time of turmoil,

Emotions are running wild.

I’m betrothed to sweet, young Mary

Only to learn that she’s with child!

I don’t want to humiliate her

Or expose us both to public disgrace,

So I'd decided to divorce her quietly,

We’d just go our separate ways.

Then the most amazing thing happened,

An angel came to me in a dream.

He said to go ahead with the marriage 

Things are not what they would seem.

The Father is the Holy Spirit,

She hasn’t been with another man.

Though I know some people will gossip,

I’m willing to submit to God’s mysterious plan.

So we’ll have the child and name him Jesus,

He will save us from our sin.

I’ll have to say it’s scary, but exciting,

To watch God unfold His salvation plan.

While we make much of Gabriel’s visit to Mary and her response, I think sometimes we overlook Joseph and the compromising and embarrassing Mary’s pregnancy caused him. Had Mary been unfaithful? But he, too, believed the angel who came to him in a dream, and he proceeded with his wedding plans. I suspect there were many thought him naïve or who maybe questioned his fidelity. I admire his faith, his humility, and his willingness to put God’s will first.

Lord, sometimes I wish an angel would come to me in person or in a dream, then I could hear You speak. But wait! Remind me that You do speak to me. You dwell within me and You inspired an entire Book to guide me. Open my heart to Your Holy Spirit and to Your Word. May I listen to You and then be as obedient as Mary and Joseph we’re. May my greatest desire be to please You and not to gain the approval of others. Thank You for choosing to use us in working out Your will. You are an amazing God! Amen 

Wednesday 7 December 2022

Advent 22 post5

Luke 1.46-55


My soul magnifies the Lord,

I praise His holy name.

He has chosen me to bear His Son,

My life will never be the same!


He has regarded my humble state,

He honours the lowly and meek.

He’s unimpressed with status and pride,

He exalts the poor, the needy, the weak.


Receive my praise; I rejoice in You,

For You have done great things.

Generations will call me blessed,

The mother of Messiah King!



When young children receive gifts and favours, we remind them, “What do you say?” We want to teach them common courtesy and gratitude. Sometimes when God blesses me in a special way, I need someone to remind me, “What do you say?” It’s easy to forget the Source of our blessings, worse yet, we can even start to question whether God really caused something or if we misinterpreted or misunderstood. Maybe it’s a coincidence. Not Mary! She was quick to thank God and to praise Him for His goodness. No “What if’s?” No “Why me’s?” Instead, “My soul glorifies the Lord.”



Lord, I praise and glorify Your holy name. I’m grateful that You have a plan for my life and that it’s a good plan! You are trustworthy, so I can be confident that You are working for my good. Thank You for all You do on my behalf, both the things I know about and the blessings that I don’t even recognize. Yes, Lord, I praise You. Amen.

Monday 5 December 2022

Advent 22 post 4

 A young girl and a barren matron,

Don’t you find it odd?

The details of this human drama

Bear the fingerprint of God.

Yes, Mary and Elizabeth were unlikely heroes,

But they listened to God and were quick to obey.

God uses unlikely people

In a most miraculous way!

Lord, I don’t suspect Mary and Elizabeth thought of themselves as heroes. They simply believed You would do what you said and they were honoured to be part of Your plan. I’m an unlikely hero, too, Lord. Please help me to hear You when You speak, believe what You say, and be quick to follow where You lead. Amen

Sunday 4 December 2022

Advent 22 post 3

 Luke 1.36, 39-45

God is in the business of miracles – ask me, I should know!

Gabriel promised I would bear a child, I’ve been barren for years, but it is so.

And now, here is Mary, pregnant with God’s Baby Boy.

When she came into my presence, my unborn child leapt for joy!

“Favoured are you, Mary, God is honoured that you believe,

Blessed are you among women, what is promised, you will receive.

You will give birth to God’s own child, a plan ordained from the dawn of time,

You His mother, God His Father, the frailty of Earth at one with the sublime.”

Elizabeth had been barren for years, a disgrace in Bible times. I’m not sure that I can even imagine her joy when she became pregnant – a miracle for sure. When Mary came to visit Elizabeth, she didn’t even have to tell Elizabeth her news, she simply greeted her and Elizabeth and her baby boy knew her secret. Elizabeth’s baby boy John, Jesus' forerunner, leapt for joy in her womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. She knew that she was in the presence of the mother of her Lord and she blessed Mary. What a sacred moment – two women carrying God’s miracle babies, each blessing and encouraging the other.

Lord, like Elizabeth, may I be sensitive to Your presence and in awe of your divinity. Prompt me to be an encourager as Elizabeth was for Mary, may my words and actions uplift others and point them to You. Amen

Thursday 1 December 2022

Advent 2022 post 2

 Luke 1.26-38


“Greetings, Favoured One,” I heard Gabriel say,

He was right before me – so very near.

“Be not afraid, I have good news.”

I have to admit – I did feel fear.


He called me highly favoured,

Said the Lord was with me,

But I was really puzzled

What kind of greeting could this be?


He bore a message from God.

I would give birth to a son.

I didn’t understand how this could be

I was a virgin and had been with no one.


The Holy Spirit would come upon me

With the power of the Lord Most High.

I would carry the Son of God!

How could this be? Such a simple girl as I!


His coming had been prophesie

Jesus, Messiah, heir of David’s throne.

Imagine that – God chose me

To carry and bear His precious Son!


I’m honoured and humbled, but nervous, too.

Things could be dangerous – I’m unwed.

But I will do as the Lord desires,

“May it be to me as you have said.”(.38)


When I was thirteen or fourteen, I was preoccupied with friends, school, and daily activities. Granted, Mary’s culture was very different, but it’s amazing to think how young she was when she was approached by an angel who bore life-altering news. This unwed girl would bear God’s Son. She did ask how but raised no objections. She could have protested that she was betrothed to Joseph and this could nullify the engagement. She could have speculated that no one would believe her and that news like that could cost her life. Instead she uttered a simple but profound response. “May it be to me as you have said.”


Lord, You have never sent an angel to tell me anything. But you do speak to me. Make me sensitive to Your quiet voice. And when you nudge me to do something, help me to respond with Mary’s simplicity of, “May it be to me as You have said.” Amen

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Advent 2022 post 1

 Matthew 1.16 & Luke 3.23-38

The story begins with lineages – name after name after name

It was the line of David through which Baby Jesus came

All kinds of people are in the lists. Godly and sinful, Gentile and Jew

He came for the children of Israel, but He included the outsider, too

Matthew goes back to Abraham, Luke, to Adam, God’s son

Both accounts give testimony, Jesus is God’s Chosen One

And so begins the historical account of the birth of Emmanuel 

God came to live among us, His perfect ‘show and tell!’

What makes this list of ancestors so special? To the Jew it verified that the Messianic line was pure, that Jesus was who He claimed He was. To the Gentile, it showed that the Jewish Jesus had gentile ancestors, an indication that the Gentile as well as the Jew had always been in God’s heart. To women, the inclusion of three females validated them in a male-dominated society that regarded women essentially as property. To the individual, to me, the list of names reminds me that God is a God of names, a personal God. The names of His children are engraved on His palms, (Isa 49.16) they are written in the Book of Life, (Rev 21.27) He calls us by name. (Isa 43.1) Yes, God knows each one of us by name.

Lord, thank You for leaving Your throne in Heaven and coming to live among us. Thank You for including all kinds of people – Jew and Gentile, pious and prostitute – in your lineage. And thank You for knowing us personally, individually, by name. Thank You for including me in your line of descendants. I pray in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday 22 October 2022

A prayer for when you’re about consume media

 O Discerning Spirit, who alone judges all things rightly, now be present in my mind and active in my imagination as I prepare to engage with the claims and questions of diverse cultures incarnated in the stories that people tell. 

Let me experience mediums of art and expression, neither as a passive consumer nor as an entertainment glutton, but rather as one who through such works would more fully and compassionately enter this ongoing, human conservation of mystery and meaning, wonder and beauty, good and evil, sorrow and joy, fear and love. 

All truth is your truth, O Lord, and all beauty is your beauty. Therefore use human expressions of celebration and longing as catalysts to draw my mind toward ever deeper insight, my imagination into new and wondering awe, and my heartbeat into closer rhythm with your own. 

Shape my vision by your fixed precepts, and tutor me, Holy Spirit, that I might learn to discern the difference between those stories that are whole, echoing the greater narrative of your redemption, and those that are bent broken, failing to trace accurately the patterns of your eternal thoughts and so failing to name rightly the true condition of humanity and of all creation. 

Grant me wisdom to divide rightly, to separate form from content, craft from narrative, and meaning from emotion. Bless me with the great discernment to be able to celebrate the stamp of your divine image revealed in an excellence of craft and artistry even while grieving a lacking of meaning or hope in the same work. 

Guard my mind against the old enticement to believe a lie simply because it is beautifully told. Let me not be careless. Give me right conviction to judge my own motives in that which I approve, teaching me to be always mindful of that which I consume, and thoughtful of the ways in which I consume it. Impart to me keener knowledge of the limits of my own heart in light of my own particular brokenness, that I might choose what would be for my flourishing and not for my harm. 

And give me the grace to understand that what causes me to stumble might bear no I’ll consequence for another of your children, so that while I am to care for my brothers and sisters, I must also allow them, in matters of conscience, the freedom to sometimes choose a thing your Spirit convicts me to refrain from. Even so, let my own freedoms in Christ never be flaunted or exercised in such a way as to give cause for confusion, temptation, or stumbling in others. 

May the stories I partake of, and the ways in which I engage with them, make me in the end a more empathetic Christ-bearer, more compassionate, more aware of my own brokenness and need for grace, better able to understand the hopes and fears and failings of my fellow humans, so that I might more authentically live and learn and love among them unto the end that all of our many stories might be more beautifully woven into your own greater story. 


Friday 21 October 2022

A prayer for those who fear failure

 I come to you, O Christ, in dismay, fearing I might fail in what is before me. 

Knowing, that if I would truly serve my Maker, in whatever capacity or vocation, it is not necessary for your own good, and for the good of the kingdom of God, that I would sometimes be met with such fear and dismay?

But how could such a besetting fear ever be for my good, or for the good of God’s eternal kingdom?

Maybe, under the Spirit’s tutelage, such fears might become messengers of grace, revealing to you only what was true all along, in yourself you do not have the strength or the wisdom or the ability to accomplish the task to which you are called. 

Apart from the Spirit of God breathing life into your incomplete and sin-tainted efforts, apart from the Father blessing and multiplying your inadequate offerings, apart from your Lord meeting you in your stumbling attempts at faithfulness, no good work will come to fruition, no achievement will endure, no lasting benefit will come from your labours. 

And so I must come repeatedly to the end of trust in my strength, that I might avail myself again and again of his strength. 

Then let my fears of failure drive me, O Lord, to collapse here upon your strong shoulders, and here to rest, reminded again that I and all of your children are always utterly dependent upon you to bring to completion, in and through us, the good works which you have prepared beforehand for us to do. It is not my own work that is before me now, but yours!

Yes, I will take heart in this revelation! That outcomes of my labours are never in my hands, but in God’s. I have but one task, to be faithful. 

The success of our endeavours is not ours to judge. You work in ways that we cannot comprehend. And in your economy, there will be no waste. Even what we judge as failure, You will tool to greater purpose. 

If that is true, what greater end could you intend to work from my failings?

Who can discern? But consider that our tender Father might use even our failures and weaknesses to make us more humble and more sympathetic to the failures and failings of others, thereby shaping our hearts into a nearer likeness of the heart of Christ?

If our greatest good is to bear in fuller measure the image of our Lord, then might not his greatest and most holy good to us come cloaked in guise of defeat and dismay?

And if that is our Lord’s sacred intention, then who is to say how great a success even our failures might be, when read aright at last in the chronicles of eternity?

So we relinquish now all vain attempts to parse the mysteries of God’s intent. We cannot think your thoughts, or reckon your deep purposes. It is enough to know that all you do is done in love for us. 


Use then, O Lord, even my failures, and my fears of failing, to advance your purposes in my heart and in your kingdom and in this world. My confidence is only in you. 


Tuesday 18 October 2022

A prayer for those with a burden to intercede

 I sense your beckoning, O Lord, and I willingly respond, entering your presence to plead on behalf of another. 

Spirit of God, you alone know the specific needs of the one for whom I am suddenly burdened to intercede. 

Therefore guide my prayer. 

Tune my thoughts, my words, my empathies to articulate your greater heart, your deeper purposes. I yield to your intentions, even unto the breaking of my own heart for that which break yours. 

Through me, O God, may it please you to bring forth effective petition for the one whose condition has so moved your heart that you have now moved mine, calling me to fervent prayer – to cry out, to contend, to do battle – on their behalf. 

Breathe through me, O Spirit, your thoughts, your words. Kindle in me, O Father, your sorrows and consolations. Teach me, O Christ, how to serve and to love by intercession. 

(Pause for a moment and sense of The Spirit’s promptings in prayer. Now make petition and intercession on behalf of them/those you are burdened for.)

Intersect my moments with your mercies, O Lord. Intersect my days with evidence of your grace. Let this burden remain or return as often as you would have me carry it again to you. 

You are ever at work in this world. So let my compassion be always active and my heart sensitive to your movements, your promptings, your revelation. 

Call me, your child, always to care for one another in prayer and in action, in our various times of need. 


A prayer for the nappy changers

 Ah Lord, what a mess we sometimes make of our lives!

What a tragic comedy is even our most sincere attempt to merit righteousness on our own. 

We are no more able to render ourselves holy than this child to keep itself unsoiled. 

I am as dependent upon your grace and your own righteousness, O Christ, to justify and make me clean, as this dear one is dependent upon me to wash the residue of filth from its skin, wrapping it again in soft fresh padding.

Let me not be frustrated by the constant repetition of this necessary act on behalf of a child. 

Rather, let the daily doing of this be a reminder to me, of the constant cleansing and covering of my own sin, that I – helpless as this young one and more often in need – enjoy in the active mercies of Christ.


Monday 17 October 2022

A prayer for those who weep without knowing

 There is so much in this world, O Lord, so much that aches and groans and shivers for want of redemption, so much that seems dislocated, upended, desecrated, unhinged – even in our own hearts.

Even in our own hearts, we bear the mark of all that is broken. What is best in this world has been bashed and battered and trodden down. What was meant to be the substance has become the brittle shell, haunted by the ghosts of a glory so long crumbled that only its rubble is remembered now.

Is it any wonder we should weep sometimes, without knowing why? It might be anything. And then again, it might be everything.

For we feel this. We who are your children feel this empty space where some lost thing should have rested in its perfection, and we pine for those nameless glories, and we pine for all the wasted stories in our world, and we pine for these present wounds. We pine for our children and for their children too, knowing each will have to prove how this universal pain is also personal. We pine for all children born into these days of desolation – whose regal robes were torn to tatters before they were even swaddled in them.

O Lord, how can we not weep, when waking each day in this vale of tears? How can we not feel those pangs, when we, wounded by others, so soon learn to wound as well, and in the end wound even ourselves? We grieve what we cannot heal and we grieve our half-belief, having made uneasy peace with disillusion, aligning ourselves with a self-protective lie that would have us kill our best hopes just to keep our disappointments half-confined.

We feel ourselves wounded by what is wretched, foul, and fell, but we are sometimes wounded by the beauty as well, for when it whispers, it whispers of the world that might have been our birthright, now banished, now withdrawn, as unreachable to our wounded hearts as ancient seas receding down some endless dark.

We weep, O Lord, for those things that, though nameless, are still lost. We weep for the cost of our rebellions, for the mocking and hollowing of holy things, for the inward curve of our souls, for the evidences of death outworked in every field and tree and blade of grass, crept up in every creature, alert in every longing, infecting all fabrics of life.

We weep for the leers our daughters will endure, as if to be made in reflection of your beauty were a fault for which they must pay. We weep for our sons, sabotaged by profiteers who seek to warp their dreams before they even come of age. We weep for all the twisted alchemies of our times that would turn what might have been gold into crowns of cheap tin and then toss them into garbage bins as if love could ever be a castoff thing one might simply be done with.

We weep for the wretched expressions of all things that were first built of goodness and glory but are now their own shadow twins. We have wept so often. And we will weep again.

And yet, there is somewhere on our tears a hope still kept.

We feel it in this darkness, like a tiny flame, when we are told.

Jesus also wept.

You wept.

So moved by the pain of this crushed creation, you, O Lord, heaved with the grief of it, drinking the anguish like water and sweating it out of your skin like blood.

Is it possible that you – in your sadness over Lazarus, in your grieving for Jerusalem, in your sorrow in the garden – is it possible that you have sanctified our weeping too?

For the grief of God is no small thing, and the weeping of God is not without effect. The tears of Jesus preceded a resurrection of the dead.

O Spirit of God, is it then possible that our tears might also be a kind of intercession?

That we, your children, in our groaning with the sadness of creation, could be joining in some burdened work of coming restoration? Is it possible that when we weep and don’t know why, it is because the curse has ranged so far, so wide? That we weep at that which breaks your heart, because it has also broken ours – sometimes so deeply that we cannot explain our weeping, even to ourselves?

If that is true, then let such weeping be received, O Lord, as an intercession newly forged of holy sorrow. Then let our tears anoint these broken things, and let our grief be as their consecration – a preparation for their promised redemption, our sorrow sealing them for that day when you will take the ache of all creation, and turn it inside-out, like the shedding of an old gardener’s glove.

O Lord, if it please you, when your children weep and don’t know why, yet use our tears, to baptism what you love.


Wednesday 20 July 2022

Psalm 31

 God, we seek asylum!

Mute the scorn; bring justice, freedom!

Where can we live? How survive?

Gentle Shepherd, guide our steps

away from landmines to Your Homeland.

We entrust our lives to You

with abandon, fleeing idol fan clubs.

We’re carefree with You, Spirit, Who discerned

our pressing cares, brought us out from under.

But millions struggle, trapped in crises.

Crying eyes of victims haunt us,

we groan for malnourished children

mired in grief with anguished parents.

Callous leaders stir up terror

squashing hopes and killing peace dreams.

Friends and family follow blindly,

shun our pleas as broken records.

But You, God of Peace, we count on.

You will handle every time bomb,

foil the hands that grab and cuff us.

Shame each heartless rogue with failure,

silence liars, let despisers die soon.

In Your Presence we are hidden

safe from dog-eat-dog confusion.

All praise to You, Divine Lover!

When besieged we couldn’t see You

but You heard our desperate pleading.

Be encouraged, sisters, brothers;

keep hope high, True Promise trusters.

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Psalm 30

 God, we love praising You

Who raised us from despair,

silencing rivals’ glee.

When we shouted “God, help!”

You restored us, drew us

out of deadly sinkholes.

Worship God with joyous music

all you loving, loyal people.

Love’s anger is rare and fleeting,

compassion holds strong forever.

Night-time sobbing? Sunrise smiles!

O God, we took You for granted,

bragged that we would never stumble.

No surprise we felt abandoned,

whimpering “O God we’re dying,

who will voice kudos in graveyards?”

You Transformed us, no more bawling,

now we laugh, dance, sing every day,

bursting with glad creative praise!

Monday 18 July 2022

Psalm 29

 Worship Lovejoy King, all beings of light,

angel processions in blinding brilliance.

Worship King of Peace, transparent people,

reflect Divine Radiance. Hear Creator

boom in ocean waves, roar in cataracts.

“Magnificent! Omnipotent!”

Listen, awestruck: hear cedar trees crack,

grand boulders rumble, reel with seismic quakes.

Watch lightning zip-zap.

From forest floor littered with fallen limbs

to swaying crowns of towering oaks

all Creation’s chorus resounds in awe.

Peace-Giver presides, quelling all chaos,

empowering Earth-Keepers.

Sunday 17 July 2022

Linger (another psalm 23)

 Linger in the presence of The Shepherd

In this moment of quiet reflection in green pastures

Drink in the stillness of its waters

Let His Word restore you

As the paths of righteousness become clear in its light

Even if this day is shadowed by fear and uncertainty, He is with you

He is as close as a heartbeat, near as your next breath

Sing your praise to Him

The worship of God anoints our days

Causes dry cups to overflow

At His table, waiting on Him

Waiting to brought Home

Where we’ll dwell together forevermore

Psalm 23

 Divine Guardian, You care for us,

You provide all we need, and more,

taking us to serene, green places

where we are refreshed to the core.

You show us Right Ways,

trails Your Ranger blazed.

Not even death’s gloom traumatises us

on the path to Your Lighthouse.

We are safe and strong,

with so-called enemies

You invite us to feast, carefree,

blessed with effervescent health.

Your passionate compassion

always invigorates us,

we’ll be Down Home forever

with You, Joyful Peacemaker.

Psalm 28

 Hello? Are You there, God?

Can You hear me? Are You listening?

Help! Eyes of God, see us crying,

straining toward Your Holy Presence

while old combatants drag us down.

May they drink their own poison brew

(just deserts for deserting You).

Dismiss them permanently, God.

Hello! Thank You for listening!

You are my Cover and Vigour.

We dance and sing in childlike joy,

I leap into Your Trusty Arms.

Vibrant vicar of Your People,

Kind Parent, Divine Bodyguard.

Revive Your Family; bring every

lost heir home in Glad Reunion.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Psalm 27

 My Life-Light, my Energy,

my Healing Power is God.

No one can frighten us now.

Fear-mongers threaten and bluff

but tumble from their own thrones.

Though thousands enlist for war

we will not give in to terror.

God, all I ask You is this,

to stay in Your Home-Free Place,

enthralled by Holy Brilliance,

exploring Wisdom’s terrain.

You will shelter us always,

grounded deep, heads and hopes high,

our praises will ever rise.

Holy Spirit, hear my call,

heart to heart I long for God.

Are You aloof or distant?

You’ve always been our Guardian,

please don’t give up on us now.

You will welcome us, even

if family and friends do not.

Trailblazer, show us Your Way,

let no demon have a say.

We perceive Your New Reign’s dawn,

over all Your Love will shine.

We await You with courage!

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Psalm 26

 God, pronounce me guilt-free.

You know my pure longings,

see me through Your Love Eyes,

look into my heart, read my mind.

God, we know that You

Love us and we love You.

Liars, pretenders and

wrong-doers we avoid.

God, we want to come clean,

come to celebrate You,

go all out in worship.

What joy to walk with You

seeing Your Creation!

Let me not be enticed

by anger, hate or greed.

You know our pure desires,

we trust Your Divine Love.

With You we’re on firm ground

singing altogether.

Monday 11 July 2022

Psalm 25

 Royal guide, with You I walk tall.

Keep me confident in You,

never disgraced by challengers

or traumatised by criminals.

Teach me, Wonder-Wise Counsellor,

all my life I need Your Guidance.

God, recall Your Kindness to me,

please forget my youthful misdeeds.

You guide blind fools, addicts, all

who humbly admit being lost.

You walk us along New Life Paths

and erase our regretful records.

Who kneels in prayer? Your students.

We will be healthy Earth-Keepers,

awestruck discoverers of secrets,

realisers of Promises Come True.

Spirit of God, we need You now—

I need You inside me, beside us—

hurt, stressed, grieving, agonising.

Lift the burdens of our failures.

You are the Gateway to Peace Place.

Keep us walking tall, Royal Guide,

our Confidence is still in You.

Rescue all tormented children.

Sunday 10 July 2022

Psalm 24

 Our planet belongs to You,

all that lives gets Life from You

Who made this Wonderful Place,

You brought Order from chaos,

called forth myriad species.

Who dares approach Your Summit?

Who can face Your Holiness?

The forgiven ones and those

who give others a clean slate.

They are not swayed by money,

not lured by fame or bias.

You smile on them, Your Peace

shines through them for all to see.

They’re the God-looking people.

Look up, rulers! Heads up, public servants!

Make way for the Preeminent One.

Who is preeminent?

The Courageous Servant Leader

Who faces down violence

and deactivates death.

Look, rulers! Listen, administrators!

Make way for the Most Brilliant One.

Who is most brilliant?

The Crown Prince of World Peace,

the Majestic Creator.

Saturday 9 July 2022

Psalm 22

 God, why have You left me alone?

Why Your distance from her bleeding,

silence to his all-night pleading?

Holy Supreme Benefactor,

trusted God of our grandparents.

You heard and helped our ancestors

but we’re helpless. Sneering mockers

jab and slash our Scripture Worldview,

yet from birth You have embraced us.

Be here now as terror threatens,

bullies bash her prospects senseless,

they string him up, parched, stripped, tortured

God, where are You? Please be near,

You’re our Invisible Defence.

Breathe our bones alive, God Spirit.

We believe You suffer with us.

God, we vow to praise You always,

worship You and serve Your poor ones.

Keep us listening, praying, thriving.

Global is Your Peaceful Kingdom,

every people group will know You,

poor and rich will kneel before You,

every child will hear Your Story—

Stunning Truth, Astounding Glory.

Friday 8 July 2022

Psalm 21

 Leaders, leap for joy with Spirit energy!

God fulfils your longings, faithful rulers, freely

grants requests you offer. King Divine will honour

justice-working governors, give you livelong success.

Spirit, You infuse us with Joy,

Your Strong Love will hold us steady.

(When will destroyers be destroyed,

and odious deeds nullified?)

Hail, God of all! Highest accolades!

Thursday 7 July 2022

Psalm 20

 Prime Minister, we pray God

answers you, relieves your stress load,

keeps you with family in green zone.

May your help be always Godsent,

honest work by joyful people.

Hearts of rulers looking heavenward,

your best desires will be fulfilled.

Leaders, giving Love the credit,

we rejoice at your elections.

May God hear your daily prayers,

affirm your winsome words and ways.

Many put their trust in weapons,

may Peace be your core reliance.

Fighters falter, but Love keeps us

firmly grounded.

Hear us, Master,

crown Your servant leaders’ efforts.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Psalm 19

 Galaxies shine with Your genius,

skies unveil Your masterpieces—

ever singing day-song, night-song,

soundless telling, ceaseless, boundless.

Love, You stretched our sun’s blue canvas,

there Your virile dawn light dances,

warming all by Earth’s revolving.

Scripture’s truth, like nature’s order

steadies every reeling spirit.

God, Your Laws make sense for humans

on the way to joyful wisdom,

Your decrees persist in brilliance,

awesome, true for all forever,

Your Great Book stands timeless, tireless—

valued, savoured beyond compare.

Priceless warning signs of peril,

Your commands reward obeyers.

Who can see their own wrongs, Father?

God, forgive our blind indifference,

steer us clear of stubborn fault-lines,

free to thrive on Your Pilgrim Way,

guiltless, guileless in Your Presence.

May our musings please Your Honour—

Holy Lifeguard, God our anchor.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Psalm 18

 God, we love You, we trust Your power,

Spirit, You’re our Sanctuary Tower.

When we called, Huge Holy Love,

You rescued us from every gun.

Deadness slithered across our spirits

spewing venom without limits.

Cornered, we cried “Help!” O God, You heard,

Heaven’s Tender Ear bent earthward.

Tremors rattled rocks, shook mountains,

holy anger spurted molten.

You split skies, ripped through storm clouds,

crackled light beams and spattered ice drops.

You voiced rage in flood and thunder

but did not leave us floundering.

Holy Spirit, You held us close,

transported us to Your Safe House.

Far from rip-off gangs and hecklers we played,

You sang us lullabies, kept us loyal.

Faithful people know You faithful,

healthy ones in You are healthful.

Truthful speakers find Your Word true,

but deceivers refuse to face You.

God, Your Grace promotes the humble

and causes proud ones to stumble.

Your Brilliance fires our courage,

dazzles foes and burns all blockage.

Your Life-Way is perfect in wisdom,

Your protection boulder solid.

Who else can claim to be divine?

On whom but You can we rely?

Ready, set to deter conflict

we deflect darts by Your Spirit.

You expunge our dread of failure,

gently bolstering our endurance.

Hail, Ever-Living Ruler of all.

Your Love ignites worldwide awe.

Sunday 3 July 2022

Psalm 17

 Grant us a hearing, God,

our plea is warranted,

we’re telling the whole truth.

Pronounce us not guilty.

You see our true motives,

You probe our heart mind links

for night-hatched plots, and find

no deceit, greed or spite.

Because we follow You,

money or violence

cannot seduce us.

When we pray we know You

listen and will answer.

Reveal Your Wondrous Love

to harassed refugees.

Watch us like a Mother,

shelter and protect us

from those whose words can kill.

Threat-hurlers surround us,

their proud mouths yip and yap,

from hard-shelled hearts clammed shut

their mean looks pummel us.

Face them down now, Spirit.

Free us from high-flying

doom-deservers who stuff

their bored children senseless.

We will see You and rest

our case in the morning.

Friday 1 July 2022

Psalm 16

 Spirit, hover close,

keep us under cover, Master.

Our work is worthless

without Your Leading.

Hooray for Godly People,

Friends of Earth, our True Friends always.

Idol fan-club crazies

will capsize weekly, daily.

We refuse them tribute,

not gracing their names with mention.

Love Source God, our Benefactor,

thanks for jobs that provide plenty.

Praise to You, Loving Spirit

Whose Counsel lights our night musings.

Keep us focused, Holy Guide,

purpose clear, in sync with You.

Joy will buoy our hearty voicing,

Your Sweet Peace eases all strained nerves.

Breath of all Creation’s Life,

breathe through us Your Re-creation.

Life-Way Escort, thank You,

we are Alive in Love always.

Psalm 15

 Great Spirit, who is welcome in Your

Secret Place? Who is at home there?

Those with bright, clean lifestyles, sincere

folks who do not backbite or revile.

These humble, brave souls cannot be

swayed by vileness or violence.

They affirm all who respect God.

No matter the consequences, they

keep their word. The poor can borrow

interest-free—no penalties, no bribes.

What a beautiful, solid life!

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Psalm 14

 Foolish hearts insist there is no God.

Rotten characters rape and bribe,

no one is good. God is looking:

is anyone looking for God?

Does anybody understand?

No, all are headstrong, none do right.

Arrogant critics, can’t You see?

You are swallowing up people

and thereby disrespecting God!

Dread will overwhelm You because

Holy Advocate stands with victims.

Though crooks bulldoze poor people’s dreams

God’s live word resurrects vision,

spurs actions toward Earth’s Renewal!

Let the festive singing begin.

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Psalm 13

 Mercy, God, how much longer?

When, if ever, will we see You?

When will global conflict end?

How long will horrors persist?

Do You realise our confusion?

Let us see You; help us know You.

Otherwise we sink and drown while

gloaters smile to see us flounder.

But we trust Your loving power,

your provision keeps us joyful,

overflowing with new love songs.

Thank You, divine ever-close Friend.

Monday 27 June 2022

Psalm 12

 God, help! No one is faithful.

Humans cannot be trusted,

everyone’s words are empty—

bloated untruths, glazed with sweet talk.

God, please seal flattering mouths.

Mute minds that boast “We always

win with words—who can stymie us?”

Messiah, keep the promises.

You hear needy people’s groans,

You will stop thieves of poor folks.

Your Words gleam like sun on ice,

Pure as baby’s first teardrops.

Love, safeguard hassled people,

extricate us from rat-racers

who parade degradation.

Sunday 26 June 2022

Psalm 11

 We are safe here with You, God.

Why this fearful urge to flee?

We see danger and evil

spiralling—bombs, hijackings,

crumbling buildings—what to do?

You preside in Holy Splendour

shining through all Creation’s facets.

You observe every person closely,

prove our intentions sullied or pure.

You will brand violent people,

fiery guilt pangs will consume them,

Great Spirit will sweep them away.

God, You are good. You love justice.

You will guide us to face Your love.

Saturday 25 June 2022

Psalm 10

 Why the seeming chasm between us?

God, can You see how much we need You?

Prideful hustlers prey on poor families,

they flaunt obscene lifestyles, kiss up to

landlords, warlords; they curse You, despise

your law. Fat-cats brag “Nothing scares us.”

Bigwigs talk big, pile on threats and lies.

Cronies bully women, hurt children,

safety nets are severed while dragnets

keep ensnaring innocent weaklings.

Sneaky thieves assume You are blind, God.

Heaven, hear and rescue beaten ones.

Why permit perpetrators’ curses

with boasts that You will never judge them?

All-Seeing One, You see the suffering!

Weigh each groan and teardrop, for victims

depend on You. Break evildoers’

power, call them to account. Divine

Judge, You rule the Universe in Peace,

violent empires have no future.

Loving God, You draw close to those who

yearn for shelter, water, food, freedom.

You move us to care, to encourage,

to advocate for abandoned ones.

No more fear of humans or demons.

Friday 24 June 2022

Psalm 9

 With heart-driven poems we long to praise You.

Celebrating Your astounding actions

we rejoice in Your majestic presence.

May our songs trumpet Your supreme honour.

Accusers give up their case against us,

stunned to face You, Defender of Justice.

Divine One, do You devastate nations

and decimate vengeful, vicious people?

All-Viewing One, You always judge justly,

shelter outcasts, safeguard troubled masses.

God, to know You is to trust You, the One

Who never turns from those who look for You.

You remember and punish bloodshed,

never overlook mistreated people.

God, look on us today in Your Mercy,

draw us from the panicked brink of despair.

May we freely publicise Your Kindness,

thriving in Your Ever-Living power.

Let God-denying regimes self-destruct,

lost in labyrinths designed to trap others.

Your Justice is famous. Wily leaders

who forget You die and are forgotten.

You never forget one needy person

but offer Hope to each soul that suffers.

Thursday 23 June 2022

Psalm 8

 Your Excellency! Cosmos Creator,

Celestial King: babies sound Your praises,

children’s chanting shames Your foes to silence.

God Whose fingers flung out planets and spun

myriad galaxies into orbit.

Do mere humans merit Your attention?

Do You honour us almost as angels?

You adorn our lives with Glorious Purpose

to tend life on land, in air and water.

God, Your Majesty! Holy Creator!

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Psalm 7

 God Alive, our Hideout: Strong Love,

rescue us from haters’ talons.

If we have betrayed our families

or even have loathed enemies,

our defeat may be well-deserved.

God, overcome our blind anger

by Your Calm, Straightforward Judgment.

Rise, preside, and vindicate us.

Wise One, You see our true motives.

Halt all violent endeavours,

guard each truthful, peaceful spirit.

Your Passionate Justice awes us.

Mischief plotters hatch mere bubbles,

trouble-makers drown in trouble.

Thank You, Proactive Advocate,

All praise to You, God Majestic.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Psalm 6

Holy One, please do not scold

or treat us harshly.

God, I am exhausted,

heal her aching body,

lift his beaten spirit.

Will Your Love revive us?

How? When? Must we die first?

Sleepless, always weeping,

tired of grieving, we are

sick to death of fights.


Monday 20 June 2022

Psalm 5

Unseen one, hear me crying “Help!”

God, can You understand my sobs?

Every morning You receive us,

offering up ourselves in worship,

hopeful, eager for Your Spirit.

Surly people gain no access

but humble love impels approach,

we kneel awestruck in joyous praise.

Guide us, Spirit, past attackers,

all their words reek with hatred.

God, please cause their schemes to backfire.

Let those who know You gladly sing,

under Your Assault-proof Cover

may Your loving ones enjoy You.

Life with You is Carefree, Wondrous!

We’re Refreshed, Embraced, Protected.


Saturday 18 June 2022

Psalm 4

 God? God, can I get a reply?

See me boxed in, calling, calling.

When will You end people’s mocking,

smoking pipe-dreams, fetish worship?

God, You called us to Your service,

Loving one, we know You hear us.

Now in awe I let go anger,

probe my motives, wait in silence.

People strive for fame, for money,

let Your Smile be my fulfilment.

Joy from You exceeds all measures,

rest is safe, serene my slumber.

Friday 17 June 2022

Psalm 3

God! Hundreds of adversaries!

Thousands versus only me…us?

Holy Fire, Divine Protector,

keep me shining; buoy our spirits.

From Your wide, high, unbiased View

we trust You will answer our cries.

Every night I sleep serenely;

each new dawn brings Your renewing.

Stalwart angel warriors dispel

worry, dread, every doom carrier.

Holy Master of Tenderness,

free us from cycling avengers.

Void their careless, spiteful lashes,

make them bite their own word bullets.

God, You are our Liberator,

keep us Joyful, ever Peaceful.

Thursday 16 June 2022

Psalm 2

 World leaders, why presume?

 How dare figureheads flaunt selves, 

tout isms, defying the Transcendent One?

Listen, posturing technocrats!

Holy Love laughs sadly. 

Listen! Shiver under God’s displeasure.

Hear God name Creation’s Ruler,

empowering Peace’s Prince 

to topple regimes and pulverise shackles.

Kings, presidents, come and kneel now.

Love and serve with Servant Master,

always radiant, always at Peace.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Psalm 1

 Happy ones ignore talking heads;

Glad souls repel liars,

never befriend jabbing jokers.

Rather they savour Live Words at all hours,

like river-irrigated forests 

God-freshened, Joyous Peace-seekers thrive.

What of God-denouncers?

Hapless dust-balls, self-made justifiers—

hopeless, ruthless, they are devoid of trust.

God Who sees all knows who is Just.

Violence blinds and self-destructs.

Monday 25 April 2022

Reflection on The True Vine and The Prince of Peace

 Reflection on The True Vine

Recognizing our destructive bent toward self-reliance, Jesus urges His followers to “remain in me” five times in only eight verses. Today, read John 15.1–8 and reflect on the invitation to savor a close connection to the True Vine. Are you as close as He invites you to be? Take a few moments to rest before God. Become mindful of His presence both in deep moments of worship and in the dynamic movements of your daily life. Throughout the day, recognize His life pulsing through you and energizing you for His work even as you learn to rest in Him.

Reflection on The Prince of Peace

The holiday season is rife with opportunities to bicker and worry. Family get-togethers can be filled with tension, as jealousy and old wounds often shatter Christmas peace. Think ahead to your social commitments and write down the names of people who cause unrest in your heart. Spend time with Jesus today, asking for His direction in those relationships and committing yourself to being an ambassador of peace this holiday season.

Will I ever be holy?

 Will I Ever Be Holy?

I am the LORD, who makes you holy.

EXODUS 31.13

Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.

JOHN 17.17

May the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.


Have you ever been given a task that seemed too big for you? Did you think to yourself, If it is up to me, I will never get this job done?

When we understand that God wants us to be holy like he is, it can be very discouraging. We know ourselves and our weaknesses too well to think that we can do this job on our own. So some of us just give up on it altogether.

Fortunately, God gives us the ability to become what he commands us to be, and to do what he commands us to do. When God revealed himself in the Old Testament as “the LORD, who makes you holy,” he was talking not only about his divine nature but also about his divine help. The same God who makes us right in his sight by paying for our sin and giving us Christ’s righteousness is at work in us to renew our thinking and clean up our motives and capture our affections. His grace not only covers our sin of the past; it also gives us what we need to make headway in overcoming our sin, now and in the future. He is in the process of making us holy like he is.

The good news about God’s desire for us to become holy is that he doesn’t leave it up to us to accomplish this big job on our own. He is at work in us, chipping away at our selfishness, our lies, our hardened hearts. Holiness is not something that happens instantly. It’s an ongoing project that God is doing in us.

Saturday 23 April 2022

A Good Trade

 A Good Trade

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!

MATTHEW 13.44-46

They traded their glorious God for a statue of a grass-eating bull.

PSALM 106.20

We all make trades all the time. We trade money for things like groceries. We trade time for a wage slip or watching TV. We trade energy for a tennis match or a service project. Every kid who has ever traded baseball or football cards knows that a good trade is defined by getting something back that is as valuable or more valuable than what was traded away, while a bad trade is getting something less valuable than what was traded away.

Jesus told us a story about two people who made trades — very expensive trades. He told about a man who discovered a hidden treasure in a field, and a pearl merchant who found a pearl of great value. They both traded everything they owned to have the treasure and the pearl. Jesus was saying that he is a treasure, a valuable pearl, and that it’s worth trading everything you own so you can have him.

The psalm writers understand this concept when they say, “I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked” (Psa 84.10). The psalm writers see it as a good trade to give up the stuff of this world for a relationship with God. Paul was also willing to make what he saw as a good trade. He writes, “Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him” (Phil 3.8-9). Anything and everything you give up or give away to enjoy Jesus more will be a wise trade.

Reflections on Great High Priest and The Alpha and The Omega

 Reflection on Great High Priest 

What a privilege to have direct access to God! It might seem strange to picture the Old Testament sacrifices, especially since many of us recoil from the sight of blood and the fear of pathogens. But understanding the priests’ role in offering sacrifices helps us rejoice in the finished work of Jesus. So approach the throne of grace confidently today and pour out your heart to God. You will not be turned away.

Reflection on The Alpha and The Omega 

Faith is “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Heb 11.1), trusting God’s character regardless of what our life’s circumstances look like. In what area of your life do you need to trust the Author and Perfector of your faith? Surrender it to Him today, asking Him to continue to work faith in that area of your life.